2021 |
When Does Economic Interdependence Lead to Political Integration? A Comparison Between the EU, East and West Germany, and Cross-Strait Relations |
麥亨甯、Meier, Henning |
thesis |
pdf(99) |
2021 |
Community-based Tourism as a Soft Power Tool for Indigenous Development: A Study of the Tayal Community in Wulai, Taiwan |
康郁佳、Griffith, Kendra Karina |
thesis |
pdf(66) |
2021 |
Colonial Legacies and Democratic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (1982-2018) |
谷愷德、Berganza, Kevin Guillermo |
thesis |
pdf(262) |
2021 |
Does Taiwanese Soft Power Work? Evaluating the Influence of A Higher Education Scholarship Program on Its Central American Allies |
葉睿仁、Reyes Torres, Rene Mauricio |
thesis |
pdf(91) |
2021 |
Local Response to China`s Overseas Infrastructure Projects — A Case Study of Local Resistance in Kyaukpyu, Myanmar |
林雅淇、Lin, Ya-Chi |
thesis |
pdf(0) |
2021 |
Defining Pro-China: The 6M Analysis of the Development of China-Malaysian Relations (2013 – 2018) |
黃以樂、Ng, Yi-Le |
thesis |
pdf(137) |
2021 |
A Study of the Taiwan`s Policy in the Period of Kangxi and Xi Jinping |
徐麟凱、Hsu, Lin-Kai |
thesis |
web page(231) |
2021-01 |
中共推動氣候外交觀察 |
article |
pdf(277) |
2021-01 |
非傳統安全議題對國家安全的影響:從氣候變遷談起 |
article |
2021-04 |
中俄軍事合作戰略模糊抑或清晰? |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
other |
pdf(283) |
2021-05 |
近期俄烏邊境灰色地帶衝突對臺灣的連鎖效應評析 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
other |
pdf(139) |
2020-12 |
俄羅斯於北方四島部署S-300V4防空系統之戰略意涵 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
article |
pdf(291) |
2020-12 |
俄羅斯前進印太? |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
other |
pdf(233) |
2021-04 |
俄羅斯藉對烏克蘭灰色地帶衝突重返大國地位 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
other |
pdf(372) |
2021-03 |
美國陸軍2021年《重獲北極優勢》戰略之評析 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
article |
pdf(184) |
2021-02 |
牽動未來印太格局的印度下一代戰機標案 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
other |
pdf(254) |
2020 |
他與她的飛行:宮崎駿與日本動畫美少女的戰鬥情結 |
SHUI-HUI LI、SHUI-HUI LI、鄭聞文、Cheng, Wen Wen |
book |
web page(292) |
2020-09 |
阿曼與伊朗關係之研究 |
conference |
web page(336) |
2021-09 |
The U.S. and Unresolved Cross-Strait Relations : From Trump to Biden |
KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo |
book/chapter |
web page(315) |
2020-08 |
外交如何讓國家不安全 |
KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo |
conference |
web page(247) |
2021-04 |
美國:緊急應變發展的領頭羊 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
book/chapter |
web page(452) |
2021-04 |
緒論 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
book/chapter |
web page(306) |
2021-04 |
結論 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
book/chapter |
web page(341) |
2018-12 |
中共「一帶一路」的戰略與潛在風險 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
book/chapter |
pdf(225) |
2017-04 |
對外政策 |
SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang |
book/chapter |
web page(379) |