All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs)

Showing 6126-6150 of 6806
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022 Water Diplomacy within Mekong: Resources, Value and Management 施越兒、Shih, Yueh-Erh thesis pdf(127)
2022 Social network sites’ impacts on the results of democratic elections- taking 2018 Taipei city mayor election as an example 薛楨純、Hsueh, Chen-Chun thesis pdf(0)
2022 Applying transaction cost theory to discuss「Amakudari」in Japan – in the case of reform by The Liberal Democratic Party regime and The Democratic Party regime 林柏誠、Lin, Bo-Cheng thesis pdf(200)
2022 Research On Food Safety To National Health- Take American Beef As An Example 謝佩宸、Hsieh, Pei-Chen thesis pdf(0)
2022 The Development and Predicament of the Modernization of the People`s Liberation Army Navy in the Period of Xi Jinping: 2012-2021 吳松澈、Wu, Song-Che thesis pdf(180)
2022 A Study of Russia’s Film Industry Policy after 2000 吳思恩、Wu, Sz-En thesis pdf(38)
2022 A study of unmanned aerial vehicle to the security of East Asia 許柏皇、Hsu, Po-Huang thesis pdf(0)
2022 Technology Cold War and Japan Semiconductor Industry Development 郭品鋒、Kuo, Pin-Feng thesis pdf(122)
2022-04 The Romance of Three Economic Blocs: EU-China Economic Relations Evolving in an Era of Uncertainty TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU book/chapter pdf(223)
2021-12 文在寅政府與伊朗關係:前有狼,後有虎 TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU conference web page(224)
2021-11 COP26情形及美中氣候議題互動 WEN-YANG CHANGWEN-YANG CHANG other pdf(65)
2021-12 An Analysis of Russian Power Networks and Power Elites under Putin JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-yun article web page(306)
2021-11 俄羅斯網路主權研究 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-yun conference pdf(156)
2021-11 歐俄關係—以德俄歷史與發展模式為例 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-yun、莊永豪 conference web page(321)
2020-11 歐盟與大小會員國間對俄政策運作探討與俄羅斯之因應:以北溪管線 (Nord Steam)為例 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-yun conference pdf(136)
2020-11 歐盟規範性權力與歐中投資協定談判 CHO-HSIN SUCHO-HSIN SU conference web page(240)
2021-10 On China’s Recent Polar Scientific Expedition SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-Shyang article web page(204)
2021-10 Way of Authoritarian Regional Hegemon? Formation of the RCEP from the Perspective of China CHONG-HAN WU、Wu, Chong-Han、In, Tae Yoo article web page(243)
2022-05 Why do terrorists target the energy industry? A review of kidnapping, violence and attacks against energy infrastructure CHIA-YI LEE、Lee, Chia-yi article web page(373)
2021-04 緬甸政變與中緬關係 TSAI-WEI SUNTSAI-WEI SUN article pdf(180)
2022-04 Policy Responses to Cross-border Central Bank Digital Currencies – Assessing the Transborder Effects of Digital Yuan PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHENCHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article web page(306)
2022-03 Understanding Policy Diffusion Mechanism of Financial Regulatory Innovation: The Experience of Taiwan PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHENCHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article web page(436)
2021-06 The Influence of Target States` Degree of Globalization on the Outcome of Economic Sanctions, 1992~2005 CHIEN-WU HSUEH、Hsueh, Chien-Wu Alex article web page(255)
2022-06 Why Hedging Is Not Easily Attainable-Taiwan`s Strategic Policy Options Amidst US-China Competition GUAN-YI LEU、Leu, Guan-yi book/chapter web page(397)
2021-11 Myanmar: The minorities dilemma and its shaky path to democracy TSAI-WEI SUNTSAI-WEI SUN book/chapter web page(258)