All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs)

Showing 6326-6350 of 6806
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023 A Linguistic Analysis of Media Responses of the Philippines to China from 2000 - 2013 范緹卡、De, Avantika thesis pdf(67)
2023 The Youthful Era of the Red Sisters of the China Communist Party: Revolutionary Ideals, Intimate Relationship, and Gender Politics of Female Party Members in the 1920s. 陳玟亘、Chen, Wen-Hsuan thesis pdf(142)
2022 An interpretation of Xi Jinping Common Prosperity policy within CCP legitimacy characteristics 吳孟儒、Wu, Meng-Ju thesis pdf(130)
2023 On Japan’s Policy Recruiting Chinese Students 羅仕昌、Lo, Shih-Chang thesis pdf(125)
2021-07 俄羅斯東向政策下的地緣戰略實踐:聚焦於東南亞與南亞地區 HONG-YI LIEN book/chapter web page(192)
2021-07 普京時期地緣戰略演變與地緣政治理論 HONG-YI LIEN book/chapter web page(166)
2022-02 中東歐經濟:轉型經濟體的發展之路 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(209)
2023-02 普欽政權20年(2000-2020):中央再集權之延續與轉變 JING-YUN HSU book web page(213)
2021-10 Public Diplomacy at Work: Economic and Cultural Ties between Mexico and Taiwan FABRICIO ANTONIO FONSECA FERNANDEZ、Fonseca, Fabricio A. book/chapter web page(178)
2022-06 The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIUNG-CHIU HUANGCHIEN-WEN KOUCHIUNG-CHIU HUANG、 Job, Brian book web page(234)
2022-06 A Reluctant Hedging Policy: South Korea’s Dilemma in an Era of U.S.-China Competition WEN-TING YANG、Yang, Florence W. book/chapter web page(192)
2022-12 Europe as a Normative Power in the Indo-Pacific: The Practice of Principled Pragmatism amidst US-China Competition CHO-HSIN SUCHO-HSIN SU article web page(186)
2023 The Politics of Compromise: The Islamic Factor in Indonesia`s Foreign Policy 林志育、Lin, Chih-Yu thesis pdf(132)
2023 The Overseas Development of the Japanese Food Industry and the Role of the Taiwan Market -A Case Study of Mos Burger in Taiwan- 喜田佳世、Kayo, Kida thesis pdf(0)
2023 The study of the USA-China-Taiwan Triangular Relations and Taiwan’s Security Dilemma after the cold war 李侑融、Lee, Yu-Jung thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Study of Taiwan’s Response to China’s Gray Zone Strategy in Taiwan Maritime Law Enforcement 沈宜柔、Shen, Yi-Jou thesis pdf(0)
2021-07 Russia-U.S. Relations under New Biden`s Administration HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN article web page(188)
2022-05 俄烏戰爭發展對俄及印太區域之影響 HONG-YI LIEN other web page(325)
2022-09 Comprehensive law-based governance in China? Legislating authoritarianism in the Xi Jinping era HSIN-HSIEN WANGHSIN-HSIEN WANG、Shi, Shan Yun article web page(210)
2022-03 Ukraine`s and Kazakhstan`s Contributions to Putin`s Historical Role MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-lan article web page(168)
2022-02 未能以優勢養實力『貿然選邊』 烏克蘭招致『危機三部曲』 MEI-LAN HUNG other web page(219)
2022-03 烏克蘭為什麼會分裂?一個國家兩種意識形態,給台灣的啟示 MEI-LAN HUNG other web page(536)
2022-04 烏克蘭問題:實踐『普欽主義』的最後一哩路 MEI-LAN HUNG other web page(291)
2015-01 「九合一」選挙後の情勢と陳水扁前総統の「仮釈放」 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(223)
2022-07 国際秩序変動期の台湾の対外関係 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article web page(173)