All Of Publications(Limit:Journals of NCCU)

Showing 226-250 of 12685
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-06 神的話與聖經的流行 SHANG-KUAN CHANG article pdf(1010)
2008-05 扁鵲倉公列傳命題析義 SHIH-CHI CHIN article pdf(4328)
2009-05 晉平公病案鉤沉 SHIH-CHI CHIN article pdf(49748)
2008-12 中國回族與西北穆斯林宗派議題相關論述之評析 CHIU-TI CHAO article pdf(1848)
2007-12 How to deal with Aboriginal culture──Ancient Champa as an Example PO-CHI HUANGPO-CHI HUANG article pdf(3529)
2006-06 秦金文與《說文》小篆書體之比較 YEN-MEY HUNGYEN-MEY HUNG article pdf(988)
2007-01 資訊科技投資與企業績效之因果關係模型探討:以台灣資訊電子業為實證對象 CHINGFU CHANGWEN-YING WANGCHIA-LIN LEECHINGFU CHANGWEN-YING WANGCHIA-LIN LEE article pdf(958)
2008-12 身教大師BaLiwakes(陸森寶)──他的人格、教養與時代 TA-CHUAN SUNTA-CHUAN SUN article pdf(1571)
2008.08 表見證明之研究 SHYH-MING CHIANGSHYH-MING CHIANG article pdf(3500)
2004-09 國民小學學校經營混沌現象敏銳度對組織權力關係重建之預測研究 MU-JIN CHEN、蔡文杰、MU-JIN CHEN、Tasi,Wen-chieh article pdf(729)
1999-11 前蘇聯與俄羅斯新聞傳媒之研究 王承宗、Wang, Cheng-Chung article pdf(1165)
2000-03 俄羅斯與日本關係:領土與和約問題之探討 王承宗、Wang, Cheng-Chung article pdf(1116)
2000-06 車臣戰爭與車臣問題 王承宗、Wang, Cheng-Chung article pdf(798)
2003-11 中亞經濟發展與商機 王承宗、Wang, Cheng-Tzung article pdf(1404)
2000-01 Is China a Threat? A Defense Industry Analysis SHUH-FAN DING、Ding, Arthur S. article pdf(781)
1999-04 中國大陸金融改革近況與展望 陳伯志 article pdf(1179)
2011-05 Preservation of the Documentary Heritage in Taiwan: The Current Status and Rethinking LI-KUEI HSUEH、林柏伶、LI-KUEI HSUEH、 Lin, Po-Lin article pdf(1969)
2011-05 學童數位閱讀資源與學習興趣之探討 CHIAO-MIN LINCHIAO-MIN LIN article web page(1924)
2011-02 認知型態與標註品質對閱讀成效之影響與關聯研究:以數位閱讀標註系統為例 CHIH-MING CHEN、韋祿恩、吳志豪、CHIH-MING CHEN、 Wei, Lu-En 、 Wu, Jhih-Hao article pdf(386)
2010-11 圖書資訊學學者開放近用期刊使用研究 MEI-LING WANG、吳萱、MEI-LING WANG、Wu,Hsuan article pdf(1985)
2010-11 A Study of Designing Information Literacy Coursesfor University General Education for University General Education 張如瑩、MEI-HWA YANG article pdf(2171)
2010-05 Comparison of Three Archival Description Standards in North America LI-KUEI HSUEH、王麗蕉 article pdf(2929)
2010-02 A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on Archival Studies in Taiwan CHIAO-MIN LIN、范蔚敏、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Fan, Wei-Min article pdf(2750)
2009-08 Administrative Structures and Functions of National Archives LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(4015)
2009-08 Primary Research of Defining Collection Life Cycle Range by Schellenberg’s Archival Appraisal Theory LI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1935)