All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 301-325 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-05 Buddhism and Society: The History and Contribution of Buddhist Education in Taiwan 沈美麗、Shen, Meilee conference web page(633)
2018-11 鴻濛妙觀:道教文化研究之多元面向 SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(722)
2018-11 壇分內外,道院禮斗 SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(579)
2018-06 Rethinking the Research Method of Contemporary Daoism: Toward the Perspective of Daoist Oral History SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(365)
2019 The Trace of Infinity: Religion in Levinas’s Philosophy 項溢煦、Xiang, Yi-Xu thesis pdf(209)
2019 Yunqi Zhuhong and the dual practice of Chan and Pure Land 劉興松、Liu, Sing-Song thesis pdf(183)
2019 A Systemized Cognitive Application of a Chinese Christian’s Interpretation to the Epistle to Romans 邱吉璽 thesis pdf(1636)
2010 A study on the function of story in religion dialogue- a case study of Song, Choan-Seng`s storytelling method 張鈞凱、Chang, Chun-Kai thesis pdf(260)
2019 Glocal-modernization or Christianization? Chinese Religions in Taiwan and Macau: FoGuang Shan and I-Kuan Tao 鍾倩儀、Chong, Sin-I thesis pdf(381)
2019 An Exploration of Religious/Spiritual Experience: Theoretical Reflection Based Upon Analysis of Contemporary RERC Cases 楊美芬、Yang, Mei-Feng thesis pdf(3351)
2019 On Whether Two or More Consciousnesses Can Arise Simultaneously and How They Succeed Each Other: An Investigation from Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra 鄭乃綺、Cheng, Nai-Chi thesis pdf(766)
2019 The Encounter between Therevada Engaged Buddhism and Mahayana Engaged Buddhism in Taiwan: The Interaction between Buddhist Hongshi College and International Network of Engaged Buddhists 劉文芳、Liu, Wen-Fang thesis pdf(0)
2019 The Tigers in the Temple of Cults in Taiwan 張凱鈞、Chang, Kai-Chung thesis pdf(0)
2019 A Study of Śamatha-Vipaśyanā in Tibetan Buddhism: Gampopa’s Mahamudra text 張鎮光、Chang, Chen-Kuang thesis pdf(0)
2019 The Challenge and Persistence of Christian Schools in the Context of Secularization: Studies on Aletheia University and St. John`s University in Taiwan 陳玉海、Chen, Yu-Hai thesis pdf(0)
2017-11 I-Kuan Tao (Yiguandao) under the Shadow of Nationalism: Traitors? Conspirators? Traditionalists? Loyalists? CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih book
2018-11 Spatial Humanities: An Integrated Approach to Spatiotemporal Research CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih、DAVID SCOTT BLUNDELL、Morris, James book/chapter web page(234)
2018-12 文化部文化資產局「傳統金紙及香製作無形文化資產潛力調查計畫」 CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih、CHEN-YUAN LIN report
2014-12 On al-Ghazzali’s Salvation of Soul and Heart: An Analysis of Contemplative Psychology 楊美芬 article web page(335)
2018-12 與大自然通靈︰27個RERC 經驗案例的分析與討論 楊美芬 article
2019 How did late-Ming commentators rebuild the interrupted commentarial tradition of the Cheng Weishi Lun? 楊志常、Yang, Chih-Chang thesis pdf(176)
2019 The Modernity and Transnationality of Dizang Worship Promoted by Ven. Dijiao 邱郁霖、Hew, Yok- Lin thesis pdf(0)
2019 The Body Cultivation of Inner Alchemy and Medical Rehabilitation in Contemporary China— Case Studies of CMD Huang Qiwen Cultivation Group 黃啟文、Huang, Chi-Wen thesis pdf(399)
2019 A study of Christian Youth Ministry in Taiwan: The local church in Taipei and The Taiwan Harmony Friends Church 劉遠見、Liu, Yuan-Jian thesis pdf(1035)
2018 Religiosity and Leadership among Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen 專書篇章 web page(495)