All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 351-375 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-05 醮:歷史與當代地方道教研究 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN conference pdf(144)
2016-11 贛東北道教靈寶派科儀文獻 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(218)
2017-11 靈寶仙壇:浙南地方道教科儀文獻初探 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(293)
2016-01 敕水禁壇:台灣北部道教醮儀中的驅邪法 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN book/chapter web page(283)
2015-11 溫州蒼南地區閩南語族群的道士源流與儀式初探 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN book/chapter web page(212)
2017-11 濟安宮志 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN、張超然 book web page(295)
2018-12 道密法圓:道教與密教文化研究 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH book web page(264)
2014-07 Proto-orthodoxy in the Sacramental Theology of the Didache 張毅民、Chang, Paulus Iee-Ming article pdf(181)
2014-10 The Musical Language/Metaphor in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch and Its Representation of the Divine 張毅民、Chang, Paulus Iee-Ming article pdf(179)
2017 碩士班-宗教所 106年 宗教研究所 exam pdf(47)
2017 博士班-宗教所 106年 宗教研究所 exam pdf(159)
2018 博士班-宗教所 107年 宗教研究所 exam pdf(153)
2017-02 Tanscending Sectarian Confinement and Governmental Control: Master Shengyen’s Reconstruction of Dharma Lineage and Home Temple YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(175)
2017-03 Teaching Meditation in Malaysia, Taiwan, North America, and Europe: The Transnational Career of Venerable Chi Chern YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(145)
2016-12 The Revival and Reconstruction of the Vinaya Tradition in Contemporary Taiwan: Nanlin Nunnery and the Bhikshuni Re-Ordination Movement YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(125)
2016-12 文類與主調:覺苦證道的佛教文學主體意識 YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(128)
2012-08 台灣五旬節/靈恩運動現況的神學反思 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-Chin book/chapter web page(299)
2018-11 十九至二十世紀上海徐光啟的紀念活動 HSIN-FANG WU、Wu, Hsin-Fang article web page(173)
2018-05 《楞伽經》與聖嚴禪學——定慧之修的傳統與當代性 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(39)
2017-04 A Comparative Approach to Śubhākarasiṃha’s (637–735) Essentials of Meditation: Meditation and Precepts in Eighth Century China PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(216)web page(200)
2016-06 Anti-scholasticism in the Sixth-to- Eighth-Century China: Responses from Early Chan Communities PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(67)
2016-01 Pure Land, Zen, and Kegon Perceptions of China in 20th Century Japan: Buddhist Influence on Japanese Sinology PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter
2017-08 The Doctrinal Evolution of Formless Precepts in the Early Chan Tradition: The Theory of Mind Purification in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(157)
2018-05 The Rebirth Legend of Prince Shōtoku: Buddhist Networks in Ninth Century China and Japan: Buddhist Networks in Ninth-Century China and Japan PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(131)
2018-07 圓仁訪五台山之路上的新羅人脈:對圓仁《入唐求法巡禮行記》的新見 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(149)