All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 226-250 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-07 Canon Made and Canon Revealed: An interpretation of Luo Qing’s 羅清Wubu liuce五部六冊 YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI article web page(1205)
2015-12 《日常生活中的當代宗教:宗教的個人化與關係性存有》書評 YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI article pdf(485)
2016-03 雲水不住 ---- 曉雲法師的比丘尼形象樣式 YU-CHEN LI article pdf(647)
2017 Towards the justification of King`s killing : a shift of paradigm from canon to vaṃsa 吳芬錦、Wu, Fen-Jin thesis pdf(695)
2011 書評:Fishing Wars and Environmental Change in Late Imperial and Modern China, by Micah Muscolino CHING-CHIH LIN article pdf(254)
2015-12 國際性非政府組織的創新管理─以新北市召會為探 討(2011-2014) 范俊銘 article web page(582)
2011 伊斯蘭.現代性與後殖民 YUAN-LIN TSAI book/chapter web page(812)
2015 從馬鳴梵語宮廷詩看佛教梵語文化所涉及的問題(lll-III) PO-CHI HUANG report pdf(441)
2015 斗姆摩利支天文本研究 SHU-WEI HSIEH report pdf(701)
2016 秩序、修煉、權化與懲戒—從經典與實踐看印度宗教社會思想史中的神人身體觀 PO-CHI HUANG report pdf(460)
2016 Dharmapāla on Perception: a study of "Refutation of Sense Organs and Their Objects" of the Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun 吳芝瑩、Wu, Chih-Ying thesis pdf(759)
2017-03 「今生的驕傲」或「來世的權能」?近代中國西南苗族基督徒的困惑與抉擇 胡其瑞 article web page(660)
2017 The Varieties of Confucian Practice in the Taipei Confucius Temple 袁光譽、Ivan, Robert thesis pdf(631)
2017 Beijing Longquan Monastery: Chinese Buddhism Encounters the Mobile Internet Era 張月荷 thesis
2016-09 佛耶對話中的「慾望」議題:以《成唯識論》卷五與《保羅書信》的對讀為例 徐頌贊 article web page(609)
2017 Religions and Identities of Taiwanese Businessmen in Shanghai, 1990-2010 于明華 thesis pdf(1043)
2017 Protestantism and Modernity of the Hmong(Miao) in the Southwest China, 1900-1960 胡其瑞 thesis pdf(597)
2017 當代佛教臨終關懷的理念與實踐:以法鼓山台北文山區助念組為例 李明傑 thesis pdf(1297)
2017 The glocalization of the Catholic pilgrimage : reflections on three pilgrimage sites in Taiwan 偶文琦、Ou, Wen Chi thesis pdf(439)
2017 The transformation of di-mu in contemporary taiwan and the scriptures study 蔡萱霈、Tsai, Hsuan Pei thesis pdf(361)
2017 A Comparative Study of Taiwan Religious Legal System and Japan Religious Corporations Act Registration,Real Property Regulation and Financial System 錢鐵錚、Qian, Tiezheng thesis pdf(402)
2017 Imagination and representation of chinese underword : an analysis of ten kings Paintings in Taiwan 陳羿儒、Chen, Yi Hu thesis pdf(323)
2017 An Investigation on the Political-Religious Relationship in Taiwan Before and After the Lifting of Martial Law in Terms of Religious Market Theory- the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the Yiguandao as the Two Examples 王博賢、Wang, Po-Hsien thesis pdf(3932)
2017 A Comparative Study of the Religious Practices of Taiwan’s I-Kuan Dao (Yiguandao) and Korea `s Daesoon Jinrihoe:Centering on Baoguang Chongzheng Branch and Yeoju Temple 李秀賢、Lee, Su Hyun thesis pdf(1174)
2016 戰後台灣佛教與女性:李玉珍自選集 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(772)