All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies)

Showing 126-150 of 918
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 宗教有本質嗎?─ 以瓦赫(Joachim Wach)之理論為例 蔡彥仁 book/chapter 說明頁(1215)
2008-06 Christian Spirituality and Globalization: A Local Perspective 蔡彥仁 conference
2007 Preserving the One and Residing in Harmony: Daoist Connections in Zhu Xi’s Instruction for Breath Control 蔡彥仁 conference
2007 The Current Development of Religious Studies in the Chinese Intellectual World 蔡彥仁 conference
2007 Selfhood and Fiduciary Community: A Smithian Reading of Tu Weiming`s Confucian Humanism 蔡彥仁Tsai, Yen-zen conference pdf(538)
2007 An Interpretation of the Confucian Classics as Scripture: the Case of `Classics Recitation Movement` in Contemporary Taiwan 蔡彥仁 conference
2005 Ritual Violence and Communal Sanity:The Case of Ḥērem and Its Solution in Biblical Judaism 蔡彥仁 conference
2003 文化的交流與融合:比較宗教的論述觀點 蔡彥仁 conference
2002 五十年來台灣宗教研究成果評估計畫:「世界宗教與比較宗教」評估 蔡彥仁 conference
1999 經典詮釋與文化匯通 ─ 以吳雷川為例 蔡彥仁 conference
1998 Scriptures and Their Popularization: the Case of the Lun-yÜ and Hsiao-ching in the Han Dynasty 蔡彥仁 conference
1997 History,Colonialism,and Subjectivity: Reflections on the Study of Religion in Taiwan 蔡彥仁 conference
1996 Scripture and Authority: the Political Dimension of Han Wu-ti`s Canonization of the Five Classics 蔡彥仁 conference
1996 Religio and Superstitio: State Policy toward the Mystery Cults in the Early Roman Empire 蔡彥仁 conference
2007-12 An investigation on the concept of canonical language in early Buddhism 黃柏棋 conference
2007-05 Hsüan-tsang’s description of four divine ordeals in medieval India 黃柏棋 conference
2007-05 The Buddha`s Response to Brahmanical Sacrifice 黃柏棋 conference
2006-01 佛陀的梵行觀 黃柏棋 conference
2006-09 Jainism and Buddhism in Interaction 黃柏棋 conference
2005-03 Reflection on Communal Conflict between Muslims and Hindus in India 黃柏棋 conference
2003-01 Religion and Violence- Reflections on Communalism in India 黃柏棋 conference
2003-09 談五十年來印度教研究的幾位開創性人物、其研究方向和代表意義 黃柏棋 conference
2009 儒家之「禮」vs.伊斯蘭之「法」-劉智《天方典禮擇要解》的比較倫理學意涵 蔡源林 conference
2008-12 馬來西亞「國家文化」政策形成的宗教因素之探討 蔡源林 conference
2008-11 伊斯蘭之「法」(Shari"ah)與儒家之「禮」的比較與會通 蔡源林 conference