All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies)

Showing 201-225 of 918
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-03 The Way of Great Vehicle in Early Lingbao Scriptures: The Transformation of Daoist Scriptures in Medieval China 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1064)
2011-09 書評:Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1292)
2011-01 A Study of the Concept of Brahmā in Daoist Ling-bao Scriptures 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1156)
2010-09 首過與懺悔:中古時期罪感文化之探討 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1198)
2010-06 Lighting the Darkness: The Ritual of Lighting Lamps in Early Lingbao Scriptures 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(944)
2010-06 Perspectives on Theory in Religious Studies and the Construction of Daoist Scriptures in Six Dynasties 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(846)
2009-12 From Celestial Writing to Sacred Object: A Study of Scepter and Staff in Six Dynasties Daoist Ritual 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(884)
2009-03 Transmission and Syncretism: A Study of the Songs of Five Perfections of the Grand Ultimate 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article pdf(1187)
2009-03 音誦與救度:《太上洞玄靈寶空洞靈章經》之研究 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-wei article pdf(1107)
2008-06 道教傳經神話的建立與轉化—以天真皇人為核心 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-wei article pdf(963)
2009-06 Religions and Political Attitudes in China and Taiwan 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian article pdf(2488)
2009-04 Post-Modern Political Economy and New Institutionalism 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian article pdf(1216)
2010-12 聖教與祖德:馬來西亞華人在喪、祭禮俗中的宗教認同 李豐楙 article
2011-05 台灣印行流通漢譯古蘭經評介 林長寬、Lin, Chang-Kuan article pdf(804)
2010-10 Muslims in Taiwan, A Community on the Decline 林長寬 article
2009-09 法茲魯爾‧拉赫曼-現代伊斯蘭之領航者 林長寬、黃思恩 article
2009-07 試論伊斯蘭銀行經濟倫理觀之基礎 林長寬 article
2009-05 現代著名穆斯林女性宗教者-『河濱之女』嬡霞‧阿布杜拉赫曼 林長寬 article
2009-01 理解穆斯林的『至聖先師』—穆罕默德˙賓˙阿布都拉 林長寬 article
2008-11 當代伊斯蘭變化與走向之淺析 林長寬 article
2008-03 朝覲之意義與省思 林長寬 article
2007-11 歸鄉之路漫迢迢 林長寬 article
2007-01 西方學者看東方眼中的西方 林長寬 article
2007 現代伊斯蘭與宗教對話 林長寬 article
2003-09 伊斯蘭----遮蔽的天空下 林長寬 article