All Of Publications(Limit:Journal of NCCU)

Showing 926-950 of 1281
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1992-09 存在、存有與形上希望 陸達誠 article pdf(604)
1992-09 不動產證券化與市地開發之研究(下) CHIN-OH CHANG、 白金安、CHIN-OH CHANG、Pao, Jin-An article pdf(410)
1992-09 聖アンセルムス(St. Anselmus)と內村鑑三に於ける信仰と理解--その言語學的研究 坂本陽明、Sakamoto, Susumu article pdf(552)
1992-09 Muslims in China Prior to the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911 AD), a Historical Survey 林長寬、Lin, Chang-Kuan article pdf(544)
1992-09 Economic Implications of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard NO.2:Review and Synthesis 康榮寶、Kang, Jung Pao article pdf(453)
1992-09 Two-Phase Semi-Asynchronous Parallel Iterative Methods for the Symmetric Linear Complementarity Problems JIANN-MIN YANG、 張泰生、JIANN-MIN YANG、 Chang, Tai-Sheng article pdf(400)
1992-09 A Comparison of Yearly Stock Return Seasonality Among the American, Hong Kong and Taiwanese Markets JIMMY D . CHEN、Chen, Jimmy D. F. article pdf(737)
1993-03 國民中小學生學習動機、學習策略與學業成績之相關研究 JING-JYI WU、程炳林、JING-JYI WU、Cherng, Bing-Lin article pdf(1777)
1993-03 現代俄語反義詞之研究 KUEI-YING PENGKUEI-YING PENG article pdf(558)
1993-03 網球拍勁度對擊球時所產生動力學振動響應 林寶城、Lin, Bao-Cherng article pdf(789)
1993-03 The Internal Structures and External Implications of Two Self-Monitoring Scales CHIH-YU CHANCHIH-YU CHAN article pdf(522)
1993-03 A Two-Parameter Partial Credit Model for the Ordered-Response Data MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min Ning article pdf(438)
1993-03 \"Amativeness\" and \"Adhesiveness\": Whitman`s Forces of Unity 陳長房、Chen, Chang-Fang article pdf(690)
1993-03 國語中的超音段成素 謝雲飛、Hsieh, Yun-Fei article pdf(537)
1993-03 邵雍先天易演天地之數 HUAI-MIN KAO、Kao, Huai-Min article pdf(934)
1993-03 公共行政教育的內涵與方向 CHYUNG-EN WUCHYUNG-EN WU article pdf(589)
1993-03 危機與重建-公共行政教育之省思 MIN-HSIU CHIANGMIN-HSIU CHIANG article pdf(765)
1993-03 典範概念與公共行政:對Henry, Ostrom與Golembiewski的質疑 LIANG-KUNG YENLIANG-KUNG YEN article pdf(711)
1993-03 經濟成長、生活素質與公共支出:台灣地區的實證研究 徐育珠、JEN-TE HWANG、Hsu, Yu-Chu、JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(586)
1993-03 台海兩岸貿易相互依賴對台灣經濟發展的影響 JR-TSUNG HUANGJR-TSUNG HUANG article pdf(538)
1993-03 台北市住宅區位階層化相關因素研究之初探(下) HSIAO-HUNG CHENHSIAO-HUNG CHEN article pdf(438)
1993-03 我國火災保險市場之研究 CHI-SHIH CHENGCHI-SHIH CHENG article pdf(642)
1993-03 從意識形態到權力/知識-福柯的後現代主義與傳播研究 張錦華、Chang, Chin-Hwa article pdf(1785)
1993-03 National Capability and the Concept of Strategic Significance 胡為真、Hu, Wei-Jen article pdf(456)
1993-03 Organizational Vitality: The Key to Productivity and Quality Improvement 趙達瑜、Jaw, Dar-Yu article pdf(455)