All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 926-950 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015 The relationship among work-stress, perception of self-care emphasis, and self-care behavior in counseling trainees. 洪育志、Hung, Yu Chih thesis pdf(1952)
2015-04 幼兒英語學習的家庭教育環境、父母效能與學習熱情之路徑模式 謝皓薇、YU-CHU YEH、Hsieh, Hao-Wei、YU-CHU YEH article pdf(737)
2010-04 通識教育課程改革 吳璧純、CHIH-YU CHAN book/chapter web page(623)
2014 A difficult situation of higher education in Taiwan CHIH-YU CHANCHIH-YU CHAN、Lee, Chia-Nian book/chapter web page(965)
2014-01 發現孩子的亮點 CHIH-YU CHAN book/chapter web page(810)
2016 Perception of Friendship between Children in Taiwan and China: Narrative about “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” Cartoon 楊晨希 thesis pdf(630)
2016 The Study of the Relationship among the Elementary School Principal’s Leadership for Learning, Teachers’ Professional Development and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Hsinchu County 林浩銘、Lin, Hao Min thesis pdf(149)
2016 The Relationship among the Elementary school Principal’s Distributed Leadership, Organizational Trust and the Teachers’Job Satisfaction. 洪碧梅 thesis pdf(497)
2016 A Study of the Indicator Construction for the Post-Occupancy Evaluation in Elementary School Buildings 李淑娟、Lee, Su Chuan thesis pdf(72)
2016 The Relationship among the Elementary school Principal’s Distributed Leadership, Organizational Trust and the Teachers’Job Satisfaction. 洪碧梅 thesis pdf(304)
2016 The implementation of ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Taiwan: Exploring parenting stress and its positive changes and relationship with child behavioral problems 黃薏靜 thesis pdf(905)
2015 Who benefits from Taiwan’s Mass Higher Education CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(1020)
2016 Chinese Education Models in a Global Age CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(894)
2016-02 ‘Living with tics’: self-experience of adolescents with Tourette syndrome during peer interaction WEN-SHENG WANG、Lee, Mei-Yin、Mu, Pei-Fan、Wang, Wen-Sheng、Wang, Huei-Shyong article pdf(640)
2015-10 偏鄉教育創新發展 CHIH-YU CHAN、吳璧純 article pdf(4196)
2015-03 大學自我評鑑:政大案例分析 CHIH-YU CHAN article pdf(385)
2015 两岸大学生交流研究 CHUING CHOU article pdf(372)
2017 Students’ conceptions of and approaches to knowledge building and its relationship to learning outcomes HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Chai, C. S.、HUANG-YAO HONG、Koh, J. H. L. article web page(814)
2016-02 臺灣會計領域研究之回顧與展望 LING-CHING CHANANNE WU、Peng, Huoshu、ANNE WULING-CHING CHAN article pdf(506)
2016-02 Do board interlocks motivate voluntary disclosure? Evidence from Taiwan LING-CHING CHANLING-CHING CHAN、Lee, Edward、Petaibanlue, Jirada、Tan, Ning article pdf(636)
2014.03 再探我國採用IFRSs後營利事業所得稅徵納 CHUNG-YUAN HSU article web page(706)
2013-06 員工給付會計處理之探討 CHUNG-YUAN HSU、林容芊 article web page(554)
2015-04 退休金負債與除役負債會計處理之探討 CHUNG-YUAN HSU、林容芊 article web page(774)
2016-03 Understanding how students perceive the role of ideas for their knowledge work in a knowledge-building environment HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、 Chiu, Chieh-Hsin article pdf(689)
2016-04 R與STATA後設分析軟體應用與報表解析 CHENG-TA WUCHENG-TA WU article pdf(1016)