All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 1851-1875 of 2032
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-03 School with Humanistic Value As Its Core Concept: The Case of the Sathya Sai School in Thailand TUNG-LIAO CHENG、徐永康 article web page(365)
2017-05 The Implication of Japanese Relaxation Education to Experimental Education in Taiwan TUNG-LIAO CHENG、徐永康 article web page(442)
2019 The resilience and protective factors of Children of Alcoholics 丁羿心、Ting, Yi-Hsin thesis pdf(0)
2019 Predicting Digital and General Reading Literacy by Reading and Computer Self-efficacy in Taiwan: Evidence from ePIRLS and PIRLS 2016 劉芷妮、Liu, Chih-Ni thesis pdf(54)
2017.12 師資培育的第二條軌道:臺灣實驗教育師資需求及其培育制度芻議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、陳嫺霓 conference web page(304)
2016-01 我國偏鄉教育政策前瞻分析與建議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(205)
2018.12 混齡教學自主學習與社會利他行為之研究 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、徐永康、林忠蔚、黃淑芬 conference web page(323)
2016-01 花嶼村2號:澎湖小島踏查筆記 TUNG-LIAO CHENGTUNG-LIAO CHENG 專書 web page(389)
2019 「身體意象之跨領域對話」學術研究群 TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE 研究報告 pdf(543)
2015 青少女身體意象之預防方案:動勢心理教育取向 TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE 研究報告 pdf(264)
2016 Body Image Prevention Program for Girls in Junior High School: a Dynamic Movement Psycho-Educational Approach TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE 研究報告 pdf(236)
2018 The Development and Application of Dance Movement Therapy Dongshi Body Image Scale for School Guidance and Counseling TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE 研究報告 pdf(346)
2016-11 A model of mastery experience in creativity game-based learning among pupils CHIN-SHAN LINCHIN-SHAN LIN conference web page(307)
2017-06 Employing game-based learning to improve pupils` creativity CHIN-SHAN LINCHIN-SHAN LINYU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH conference web page(563)
2018-01 Academics’ community engagement, teaching profession and satisfaction from Taiwan APIKS survey JUNG-CHENG CHENJUNG-CHENG CHEN conference web page(381)
2018-09 Comparative study on teachers’ professional development. JUNG-CHENG CHENJUNG-CHENG CHEN conference pdf(285)
2018-11 International students mobility in North East Asia. Paper presented at International Symposium on the Innovation of University Education in Asia JUNG-CHENG CHENJUNG-CHENG CHEN conference
2019 Bricolage and the evolution of giftedness and talent in Taiwan 紀博善、Albanese, Dale、Yu, Ming-Jen、JING-JYI WU book/chapter pdf(307)
2015 在教學現場的歷練中展現實踐智慧-連結教育現場與實習課程 CHIN-SHAN LINCHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter web page(306)
2016 精緻教育學校的創新教育與實踐 CHIN-SHAN LINCHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter web page(296)
2016-03 Multilevel influences of transactive memory systems on individual behavior and team innovation 紀博善、HSUEH-LIANG FAN、Chang, Pao-Fang、Albanese, Dale、JING-JYI WU、Yu, Ming-Jen、Chang, Hao-Jun article pdf(401)
2018-07 A study of application of transaction cost and relational capital perspectives relationship between institutional governance and institutional performance: Comparison between Taiwan and Mainland China HEIs. JUNG-CHENG CHEN、Chen, R.J.、Ho, S.H.、Weng, S.W. conference pdf(283)
2013-08 A Study of the Operation and Performance of Educational Think Tanks in the US, the UK and Singapore JUNG-CHENG CHEN、Chen, R.J.、楊振昇 article pdf(231)
2018-03 Impact of Professors` Transformational Leadership on University Students` Employability Development According to Social Cognitive Career Theory JUNG-CHENG CHEN、Chen, R.J.、JUNG-CHENG CHENJUNG-CHENG CHEN article pdf(253)
2017-11 「Giant Tree」線上學習遊戲平台(教學媒體競賽發表) YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、陳秀禎、劉曉錡、黃善禾、欒秉勳、李鴻亮 conference pdf(244)