All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4451-4475 of 4738
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-03 亂離心事─項聖謨寫生冊 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(144)
2015-11 遺落的少作─郎世寧來華前所作油畫 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(157)
2017-01 覺翁書畫─傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物特展 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(194)
2016-01 張愛玲研究的再研究 WAN-JU WANG article pdf(185)
2018-01 走內線的路:梁宗岱的體驗批評 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong、TUNG-LIANG LIAO article pdf(167)
2017-12 曹植樂府遊仙詩之詮釋問題研究 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong article pdf(386)
2017-07 The Formation of the view of Shijing-elegant Style in Wei-Jin Period and its Inter-influence with the Elegant Poetry Style in Western Jin Dynasty WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong article pdf(297)
2017-07 Die Wiederkehr der Moral? Wang Hui und das Ethos der chinesischen Moderne KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL article pdf(276)
2016-10 「法」的立與破──後七子詩法論及其意義重詮 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong conference web page(363)
2016-10 曹植樂府遊仙詩之詮釋問題研究 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong conference pdf(1)
2017-10 魏晉時期《詩經》典雅觀之形成及其與西晉雅化詩風之交涉 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong conference web page(339)
2016-01 2014-2015年台灣戰後政治史研究回顧:二二八事件及國際外交史之新成果 FU-CHUNG LI、Li, Fu-Cheng conference pdf(273)
2016-05 柏楊案中的蔣經國陰影 FU-CHUNG LI、Li, Fu-Cheng conference pdf(275)
2011-10 主題活動在華語教學上之應用 吳佳育、Wu, Chia-Yu conference pdf(198)
2018-08 誰是古之良醫? SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(205)
2017-09 醫療、經驗與文本 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(232)
2019 在遠方經過六四 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(366)
2019 在問對中的古代醫學動向 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(244)
2015 歷史、數位與遊戲 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(210)
2014 高中歷史課程中的中國史 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(327)
2019 Sweat in Medical Literatures of Traditional China SHIH-CHI CHIN report web page(330)
2017 Eminent Monks, Animals and Bodhisattva: Research to Non-Local Monks’ Mystic Legends Manuscripts from Dunhuang during the Tang and Song Dynasties. MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG report pdf(227)
2018 Eminent Monks, Animals and Bodhisattva: Research to Non-Local Monks’ Mystic Legends Manuscripts from Dunhuang during the Tang and Song Dynasties. MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG report pdf(251)
2018-12 萬山應許眾溪奔—《自由的火種:胡適與林語堂》讀後 CHIH-HUANG CHOUCHIH-HUANG CHOU article web page(237)
2016.04 道德底再現?汪暉與中國現代性底倫理 KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL book/chapter web page(354)