All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4526-4550 of 4738
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-06 從臺灣《軍中文藝》看「非紅色」發展脈絡 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference
2017-11 從魯迅《故事新編》補天、理水看古史及其現代意義 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference web page(207)
2016-08 異文化的再認識——談文化衝擊下《北京人在紐約》與「美國夢」 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference
2016-10 詩與遠方——以臺北文學獎為例:談近五年古典诗創作情況 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference
2016-12 臧否或繼承?——談以陳銓為中心的「戰國策派」與五四新文化運動的微妙聯繫 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference
2017-12 談臺灣古典詩創作的「薄弱」現況 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference web page(173)
2017-06 歷史書寫與文化認同——談《臺灣新文學史》所引發的史觀情節 WAN-JU WANG、Wang, Wan Ju conference
2018-10 辭賦與譜錄 : 元代耶律鑄牡丹書寫的以譜為賦及其文體文化學論述 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU conference
2018-10 體物與博物:元代耶律鑄以譜為賦的家學系譜及其賦學進路 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU conference web page(195)
2014 クビライの挑戦:モンゴルによる世界史の大転回 JYUN-YU JHOU、Jhou, Jyun-yu、杉山正明 book web page(273)
2017-02 Tanscending Sectarian Confinement and Governmental Control: Master Shengyen’s Reconstruction of Dharma Lineage and Home Temple YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(205)
2017-03 Teaching Meditation in Malaysia, Taiwan, North America, and Europe: The Transnational Career of Venerable Chi Chern YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(177)
2016-12 The Revival and Reconstruction of the Vinaya Tradition in Contemporary Taiwan: Nanlin Nunnery and the Bhikshuni Re-Ordination Movement YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(155)
2016-12 文類與主調:覺苦證道的佛教文學主體意識 YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen conference web page(158)
2013-09 先果後因?關於逆時因果理論的幾點反思:以達美特與智作護的論述為主 CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang conference pdf(430)
2016-09 夢、記憶與知覺:《唯識二十論》及其註釋《成唯識寶生論》之研究 CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang book/chapter web page(242)
2018-09 華文哲學百科:胡塞爾現象學 LEE-CHUN LOLEE-CHUN LO book/chapter web page(371)
2018-07 Self-Cognition? Saṃghabhadra, Armstrong, and Introspective Consciousness CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang article pdf(232)
2017-07 戰時重慶的一次電影熱潮:從蔣中正日記談起 陳昕劭、Chen, Hsin-Shao conference web page(201)
2012 Exotic Culture & Modernity Experience:The Cross-border Travel Literautre in the Late Qing Dynasty HUEI-CHEN CHANGHUEI-CHEN CHANG thesis pdf(255)
2012-08 台灣五旬節/靈恩運動現況的神學反思 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-Chin book/chapter web page(349)
2018-04 宋明理學的自我觀 KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL multimedia web page(304)
2015-01 Schools, Temples, and Tombs across the Sea: The Re-Civilization of Post-Zheng Taiwan, 1683–1722 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(142)
2017-10 Whatever happened to those villains of the Indian seas? The happy retirement of the Madagascar pirates, 1698–1721 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(223)
2018-09 生態與旅行:台日韓當代作家研討會論文集 MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOIPEI-CHEN WUTA-WEI CHI book web page(269)