All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 1026-1050 of 4739
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 A Bibliometric Study on Open Access Systems and Commercialized databases: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Literature Approach 潘梓其、Pan, Tzu Chi thesis pdf(383)
2012 1969-1974年美國對中華民國政策的轉變:以外交部檔案為主的研究 陳相甫 thesis pdf(2112)
2010 豈只言論而已─麥肯能反色情研究 KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG report pdf(639)
2012 國恥、國魂與「我四萬萬同胞」: 近代中國集體榮辱意識和人口想像的形塑與效應 JUI-SUNG YANGJUI-SUNG YANG report pdf(954)
2012 Writing space ─ with "Tamsui" as the main observation field 張旼惠 thesis pdf(1651)
2013 Study of Wu Cho Liu`s Mainland China experience and its influenced on his works 白筱薇、Bai, Hsiao Wei thesis pdf(1390)
2013 Chinese Schools and Chinese Language Teaching in Myanmar 常慶芬、Chang, Qing Fen thesis pdf(1515)
2013 Identifying Ergative Verbs in Mandarin Chinese 黃天仕、NG TIEN SZE thesis pdf(1458)
2013 《Jing Ping Mei》Relations between Gender and Power in Writing Space 賴彥伶、Lai, Yan Ling thesis pdf(3795)
2012 The Processing Images of Football in the Mid and Late Nineteenth-Century England 馮奕達、Feng, Neof thesis pdf(1161)
2013 The Study of Institutes of County History Transforming into Public Archives 黃雅珮、Huang, Ya Pei thesis pdf(465)
2012.12 練形與鍊度:六朝道教經典當中的死後修練與亡者救度 SHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(1361)
2010.09 眾神之宴:從《南遊記》鬥寶會看晚明出版文化中的宗教信仰 KUEI-JU LIN article pdf(616)
2012.12 講唱之劍:以敦煌本〈伍子胥變文〉為中心的討論 MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG article pdf(807)
2010-07 余象斗の小説と日用類書 KUEI-JU LIN book pdf(1136)
2012-03 走過暗夜的戰士:論柏楊和他筆下的異域孤軍 TANG-CHI CHANG book/chapter web page(68)
2013-03 近代心智與日常台灣: 法律人黃繼圖日記中的私與公 SHIH-JUNG TZENG book/chapter pdf(1026)
2010-10 天界之文:魏晉南北朝靈寶經典研究 SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter pdf(869)
2011-09 書業與獄訟:從晩明出版文化論余象斗公案小説的編纂過程與創作意圖 KUEI-JU LIN article pdf(1127)
2012-12 跨越與開放──海峽兩岸碩、博士生研習交流記實 FENG-YUAN CHEN article pdf(915)
2013-02 Human Immortality in Aristotle and Mencius SHU-CHING HOSHU-CHING HO article pdf(1231)
2012-06 十六、十七世紀歐洲的禮儀書籍及其研究 MAY-SHINE LINMAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(1027)
2012-11 「身體的身體」:伊拉斯摩斯與人文學者的服飾觀 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(935)
2012-06 「高信疆世代」報導文學寫作「班底」創作轉型現象──以陳銘磻為主要考察對象 TANG-CHI CHANG article pdf(1007)
2012-12 由「成聖」看荀子的「為學步驟」 SHU-CHING HO article pdf(685)