All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 501-525 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-01 中國新舊外交秩序遞嬗與職業外交官的誕生 MIN-SHU LIAO book/chapter web page(620)
2018-01 中國是獨特的嗎:從清朝的外政及通商制度來看 MIN-SHU LIAO book/chapter web page(653)
2018-01 近代中國外交的新世代觀點 MIN-SHU LIAO book web page(614)
2018 The Rivalry in Garrison of the South Manchuria Railways and Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Negotiation, 1906-1931 林亨芬 thesis pdf(31)
2018 兩漢時期的鐘 陳蒲玥、Chen, Pu-Yueh thesis pdf(382)
2018 Early Charles Chaplin and American Film Culture (1914 – 1923) Shen, Wen-Long thesis pdf(300)
2018 Between Yang Jisheng and “the Martyr Yang Jisheng”: Reassessing a Martyr in Ming 曹依婷、Tsao, I-Ting thesis pdf(1077)
2018 Vow-making Rituals in Modern Taiwan 胡學丞 thesis pdf(985)
2018 The Beliefs and Practices of Yuan Shikai 陳文瀚、Chan, Man-Hon thesis pdf(295)
2018 What is Homeland—— The Concept of ‘Nation’ in《Triumph of the Will》 曾雨涵、Tseng, Yu-Han thesis pdf(1297)
2018 The Educational and Philanthropy Work of Hannah More (1745-1833) 姚涵之、Yao, Han-Zhi thesis pdf(429)
2017-12 八年?十四年?兩岸抗戰史論述比較 WEI-KAI LIU article web page(602)
2018 Study the international propaganda of the Republic of China- use the films as an example (1950-1972) 鄭巧君、Cheng, Chiao-Chun thesis
2018 Chan Bijun, Wang Jinwei and the Chinese Modern History 趙席敻、Zhao, Hsihsiung P. thesis
2018 The Modern Communication in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period-Focus on telegraph and telephone 曾立維、Tseng, Li-Wei thesis pdf(1534)
2018 Shang-Qing In Tang Dynasty 戴瑩婷、Dai, Ying-Ting thesis
2018 Looking at the society of the Lingnan East Road in the Tang Dynasty from the source of talents 鄭介勝、Cheng, Chieh-Sheng thesis pdf(1052)
2018 History of Taiwanese POW Camp Guards in British Northern Borneo in the Second World War: a Study Based on War Crime Trial Records 王致凱、Wang, Zhi-Kai thesis pdf(748)
2018-01 飲膳佳會:餐桌上的文化史 WHEI-MING CHOU book web page(483)
2017-09 陳誠與現代中國 WHEI-MING CHOU book web page(424)
2015-12 1949年前張羣與蔣中正之關係──兼介紹張羣《中行廬經世資料》的史料價值 WEI-KAI LIU book/chapter web page(766)
2015-07 戰犯的審判 SHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(491)
2018-05 「陽剛女」、「陰柔男」: 十六、十七世紀英格蘭女性時尚與性別爭議 MAY-SHINE LINMAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(384)
2017-10 從蔣維喬的靜坐法試探清末民初的修養與自療 HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN conference pdf(331)
2018-09 唐代後宮女官研究-宮官制度及其演變與影響 TUNG-HWA LOTUNG-HWA LO article pdf(447)