All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 601-625 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-01 傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物概述 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen book/chapter pdf(154)
2018-04 「典藏新紀元─清末民初的上海畫壇」特展介紹 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(154)
2017-12 大風堂收藏的無款佛教故事圖 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(129)
2014-05 雅債縈身的文徵明形象 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(128)
2015-03 亂離心事─項聖謨寫生冊 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(133)
2015-11 遺落的少作─郎世寧來華前所作油畫 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(140)
2017-01 覺翁書畫─傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物特展 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(167)
2018-08 誰是古之良醫? SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(183)
2017-09 醫療、經驗與文本 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(210)
2019 在遠方經過六四 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(326)
2019 在問對中的古代醫學動向 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(212)
2015 歷史、數位與遊戲 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(182)
2014 高中歷史課程中的中國史 SHIH-CHI CHINSHIH-CHI CHIN other pdf(286)
2019 Sweat in Medical Literatures of Traditional China SHIH-CHI CHIN report web page(309)
2017-07 戰時重慶的一次電影熱潮:從蔣中正日記談起 陳昕劭、Chen, Hsin-Shao conference web page(180)
2015-01 Schools, Temples, and Tombs across the Sea: The Re-Civilization of Post-Zheng Taiwan, 1683–1722 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(126)
2017-10 Whatever happened to those villains of the Indian seas? The happy retirement of the Madagascar pirates, 1698–1721 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(202)
2014-03 The Documents and History of Farmers’ Association: Focus on the Conflicts between the Political Cliques over the Integration and Separation of Farmers’ Association and Cooperatives in Taiwan JEN-TZU HUANG、Huang, Jen-tzu article web page(264)
2018-06 A Network that Created the Public: journals and newspapers by native Taiwanese during the Japanese colonial period, 1920-1937 SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN conference web page(172)
2017-11 Remembering the Korean War POWs in Taiwan SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN conference
2018-09 Taiwanese Interpreters as War Criminals in the British Trials after WWII SHI-CHI LANSHI-CHI LAN conference web page(126)
2017-10 二戰臺灣的「戰歿者」與「遺族」 SHI-CHI LAN conference web page(173)
2017-12 日治時期在東南亞的臺灣人人際網絡—以在香港的臺灣士紳階級爲中心 SHI-CHI LAN conference web page(108)
2017-09 百年來臺灣香蕉在日本的形象與價值的轉變 SHI-CHI LAN conference web page(89)
2017-11 從比較的脈絡對臺灣二戰史的反思:跨國性的臺灣人二戰主體 SHI-CHI LAN conference web page(125)