All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、2010-2019)

Showing 2976-3000 of 3145
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-06 A Discussion on the Guardian of the Person in the German Adult Guardianship Law and the Relevant Procedure Rules YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(246)
2018-08 Custody of Step-Parents and Foster Parents-- Introduction of Social and Psychologically Parents Concept YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(387)
2018-12 Market Definition of Digital Platforms: Response to the Impact of Two-sided Platforms and Zero Pricing LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. conference pdf(330)
2017-12 公平會處分高通案:一個被誤解的重要行政決定 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. conference
2014-01 從Myriad和Mayo案看美國生技專利標的適格之新發展 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. conference
2018 智慧財產法與公平交易法之交錯──以標準必要專利權之行使為核心 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. conference web page(269)
2018-06 標準必要專利之競爭法規範與高通授權架構之違法性 LI-DAR WANG、Wang, Richard L. conference web page(402)
2017-02 一般警察人員特考年齡限制之合憲性--評北高行103年度訴字第1576號判決並借鏡歐盟法觀點 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(299)
2012-12 化干戈為玉帛之「有利於國際法的解釋方式」-以德國聯邦憲法法院卡洛琳公主案等判決為例 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(233)
2010-01 Equality for Life Partnership--Using the Judgments of European Court of Justice, Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and Federal Administrative Court of Germany as Examples Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(292)
2015-12 Unisex Pricing in Private Insurance?--An Analysis of the ECJ Test-Achats ASBL Judgment from the Perspective of German Law Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(222)
2013-07 The Due Process Protection and Judicial Review of Compulsory Quarantine: With Focus on the Jurisprudence of the European Convention on Human Rights and a Short Comment on Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 690 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(345)
2018-06 The Role of the Parliament in the Area of Foreign Affairs: A Comparative Study of Germany and Taiwan Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(304)
2012-04 現今主權概念 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui、Herdegen, Matthias article web page(240)
2013-04 The Constitutional Boundaries of Experimental Legislation--A Case Study of “Observer Jury System” Pilot Program Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-hui article web page(270)
2011-10 Die speziellen Diskriminierungsverbote der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union: eine Strukturanalyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verbotes der Altersdiskriminierung(歐洲聯盟基本權利憲章中特別禁止歧視原則之研究–兼以禁止年齡歧視為例) Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book web page(275)
2013-04 已登記同性共同生活團體之平等待遇裁定 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book/chapter web page(253)
2013-12 反歧視法與契約自由的衝突與調和──以歐盟反種族歧視指令之實踐為例 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book/chapter web page(279)
2015-10 判斷餘地之制度意義與其審查 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book/chapter web page(350)
2017-04 歐洲人權法院及歐洲法院對於間接歧視概念之適用與實踐 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book/chapter pdf(373)
2015-07 歐盟法院之組織與功能 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui book/chapter web page(332)
2016-07 台灣各級學校人權教育之現況與展望 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui conference
2013-12 司法院大法官審理案件法修正草案有關機關聲請解釋要件之評析--以刪除「憲法疑義解釋程序」為出發之分析 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui conference web page(271)
2013-12 永續發展在德國法制中的建構與實踐-以都市計畫法制為例 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui conference pdf(146)
2015-10 全球化與歐洲化趨勢下的德國環境法—以環境影響評估中程序瑕疵之法律效果為例 Ching-Hui Chen、Chen, Ching-Hui conference