All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law)

Showing 8051-8075 of 8094
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024 Study of rights to collective approval in Labor Standards Act ---- Focus on the theory and praxis of co-determination 段彥廷、Duan, Yen-Ting thesis pdf(1)
2023-09 企業併購實務指引 TE-FANG CHU book web page(44)
2024-10 從CSR、ESG、SDGs到社會創新事業的永續世代法律必修課 TE-FANG CHU book web page(67)
2020-12 審計委員會參考指引:協助審計委員會發揮職能與創造價值 TE-FANG CHU book web page(67)
2023-03 獨立董事及審計委員會:行使職權參考指引 TE-FANG CHU book web page(49)web page(52)
2022-12 上市櫃公司之實質受益人資訊揭露之研究 TE-FANG CHU report
2022-03 證券詐欺案件損害賠償計算方式之研議 TE-FANG CHU、洪秀芬、蔡英欣 report pdf(76)
2025-01 ESG視角下的集團企業治理—以控制公司為從屬公司之實質董事下法律責任為核心 TE-FANG CHU、Chu, Te-Fang article web page(96)
2023-01 Disclosure on Directors' Remuneration Policy in Listed Companies: Regulations and Practices TE-FANG CHU、Chu, Te-Fang article web page(50)
2020-09 公司進行減資並以現金逐出畸零股股東,是否適法?-評最高法院 108 年度台上字第 1234 號民事判決 TE-FANG CHU article web page(51)
2023-02 利益衝突下之併購交易—以董事執行職務為核心 TE-FANG CHU article web page(55)
2024-10 Analysis of the Authorized Capital System: A Lesson from Taiwa TE-FANG CHU、Chu, Te-Fang article web page(72)
2023-11 家族企業傳承的道與術 TE-FANG CHU、賴建宏 article web page(55)
2022-01 Family Firms and Corporate Governance: Control-enhancing Mechanisms and Accountability TE-FANG CHU、Chu, Te-Fang article web page(58)
2023-07 獨董之變 TE-FANG CHUSHEREES MA article web page(59)
2024-09 2024歐盟關於人工智慧2024/1689號規則簡析 YAO-MING HSU article web page(72)
2024-06 公務員利用職務上機會,違法查詢、洩漏民眾資料的個資法適用問題 TING-CHI LIU article web page(76)
2024-08 The EU’s Energy Crisis Management to the Russian-Ukraine War DER-CHIN HORNGDER-CHIN HORNG article web page(63)
2024-07 The US CHIPS Act and Its Impacts on the WTO and China DER-CHIN HORNGDER-CHIN HORNG article web page(62)
2024 Drug Policy Toward Harm Reduction of Criminal Justice: Exit the Revolving Doors of the Patient-Criminal System 林俊儒、Lin, Jun-Ru thesis pdf(2)
2024 On the Countermeasures against Corruption in the Private Sector:From the Construction of Enterprise Internal Prevention and Control Mechanism to Criminal Penalties 蘇育弘、Su, Yu-Hong thesis pdf(0)
2024 Exploring the Practice of Autonomy in Administrative Corporatization from the Perspective of Artistic Freedom 李偉智、Lee, Wei-Chih thesis pdf(0)
2025 Sustainable Finance: Exploring the Application of the Equator Principles in Taiwan's Banking Sector Financing Decisions and Its Path to Domestic Legalization 李紹璧、Lee, Shao-Pi thesis pdf(0)
2024-11 斷捨離:視訊媒體管制革新的魔法 TING-CHI LIU book/chapter web page(27)
2024-11 Applicable Laws for Foreign-related Parental Rights Disputes and Applications of Relevant International Conventions--On the Application of International Conventions in Judgment No. 8 of the Constitutional Court of 2022 YAO-MING HSUYAO-MING HSU article web page(41)