All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、1990-1999)

Showing 1-25 of 716
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999 親職適應:幼兒前期親職角色之心理發展(II) SHI-KAI CHUNG report pdf(1020)
1999 安非他命及古柯鹼引發制約性場地偏好行為的神經行為機制之研究(II) RUEY-MING LIAO report pdf(1173)
1999 成人期實用智慧之研究 MEI-JEN LIN report pdf(848)
1999 不同訊息處理策略類別的精神分裂症患者之認知抑制效果與症狀間的關係 酗暰 report pdf(1520)
1999 安非它命的濫用:以動物模型研究其生理與心理的機制-探討長期安非他命引發操作式學習行為時效耐藥性之神經行為機制(Ⅲ) RUEY-MING LIAO report pdf(1288)
1999 我國「管理才能評鑑工具」發展及信效度分析研究(II) YUE-LOONG CHANG report pdf(2965)
1998 手足與朋友關係的內涵與弁 李美枝 report pdf(4792)
1998 親職適應:幼兒前期親職角色之心理發展(I) SHI-KAI CHUNG report pdf(1727)
1998 諮商員之婚姻信念,角色期望,交換取向對外遇事件之判斷及諮商歷程之影響         修慧蘭 report pdf(1241)
1998 視覺消息處理中多重管道之互動與整合-運動攫取機制之研究 SHWU-LIH HUANG report pdf(1079)
1999 線星圖的特徵 YI-WU CHANG report pdf(826)
1993-02 High-resolution inversion of the discrete Poisson and binomial transformations Byrne C、Haughton D.、THOMAS J. JIANG article
1992 Computation of Carlson`s multiple hypergeometric function R for Bayesian applications THOMAS J. JIANGTHOMAS J. JIANG article
1996-12 Uniform convergence of kernel density estimates from sampled data BER-LIN WU article
1996 Uniform convergence of kernel density estimates from sampled data BER-LIN WU article
1997-05 Kernel density estimation under weak dependence with sampled data BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU article pdf(378)
1998-06 Filtered-variate prior distributions for histograms smoothing THOMAS J. JIANGTHOMAS J. JIANG、Dickey, James M. article pdf(490)
1999 Application of time series analysis in quality control BER-LIN WU article
1999 Chiungtze C. Tsen (1898-1940) and Tsen`s Theorems Ding, S.S.、Kang,M.-C.、ENG-TJIOE TAN article
1991-09 Distribution of random functional of a Dirichlet Process on the unit disk THOMAS J. JIANG article
1997 Kernel density estimation for random fields (density estimation for random fields) BER-LIN WU、Carbon, Michel 、 Tran, Lanh Tat 、BER-LIN WU article pdf(528)
1994-03 Existence of Solutions for Elliptic Integro-Differential Systems LONG-YI TSAI、吳舜堂 article
1995-01 Geometry of Strictly Convex Domains and an Application to the Uniform Estimate of the □-problem TEN-GING CHEN article
1993-12 臺灣地區失業率的時空數列分析與預測 BER-LIN WU、陳雅玫 article
1991-12 臺灣地區結婚率、出生率、人口成長率的時間數列模式探討 BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU article