All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2010-2019)

Showing 676-700 of 703
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-03 The Rise of Social Media and Cyber Mobilization during the Era of Ma Ying-jeou ERIC CHEN-HUA YUERIC CHEN-HUA YU conference pdf(237)
2015-05 民主化與選舉研究 ERIC CHEN-HUA YUERIC CHEN-HUA YU conference pdf(253)
2015-05 臺灣選舉研究的回顧與展望: 民主化與選舉研究 ERIC CHEN-HUA YUERIC CHEN-HUA YU conference pdf(240)
2017 Bernt Berntsen—A Prominent Oneness Pentecostal Pioneer to North China HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-Chin book/chapter pdf(282)
2017 Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in Protestant Taiwan HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-Chin book/chapter web page(385)
2017.01 A Comparative Study on the two Earliest Chinese Pentecostal Periodicals: The Popular Gospel Truth and the Pentecostal Truths HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, SianGchin article pdf(243)
2017-12 全球化脈絡下東南亞五旬節派教會的跨界與移動:印尼伯特利教會(Gereja Bethel Indonesia)及其在台發展 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, SianGchin article pdf(482)
2017-06 奉主耶穌聖名禱告:回應蔡麗貞〈真耶穌教會的聖靈觀〉 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, SianGchin article pdf(404)
2012 華北五旬節運動宣教先驅賁德新及其思想 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, SianGchin article pdf(303)
2018-02 2018台灣民主價值與治理 SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG report pdf(203)
2017-05 Taiwan Citizens` Views of China : What Are the Effects of Cross-Strait Contacts? SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、Wang, T.Y. article pdf(256)
2018-06 公民意識與政治參與的持續與變遷 LU-HUEI CHEN conference pdf(168)
2017-11 Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG、Lee, Kuan-Chen、Ho, Karl、Clarke, Harold article web page(155)
2016-04 Split-Ticket Voting under MMM YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-ching、Wang, T. Y.、Lin, Chang-chih book/chapter web page(142)web page(162)
2013-09 台灣政治極化之初探:測量與分析 YI-CHING HSIAO、林聰吉 book/chapter web page(142)
2013-05 經濟課責與投票抉擇:2012年總統選舉之分析 YI-CHING HSIAO book/chapter web page(141)
2015-05 Who Wants Checks and Balances? Endogeneity of the Balancing Perspective YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching、ERIC CHEN-HUA YUCHI HUANG article web page(130)
2013-06 The Perception, Evaluation, and Impact of Political Accountability in Taiwan YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-Ching article web page(159)
2013-03 書評:The Disappearing Center: Engaged Citizens, Polarization, and American Democracy(正在消失的中間--涉入政治的公民、極化與美國民主) YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-ching article web page(91)
2016-08 Exploring the Impacts of Interview Intervals, Process, and Respondent’s Traits on Survey Reliability YI-CHING HSIAOCHING-HSIN YU、Hsiao, Yi-ching、CHING-HSIN YU article web page(139)
2018-10 Shadow Calligraphy of Dance: An Image-Based Interactive Installation for Capturing Flowing Human Figures CHAO-LING CHEN、Chen, Lyn Chao-ling、Luo, He-lin conference web page(147)
2014-07 A sleep monitoring system based on audio, video and depth information for detecting sleep events CHAO-LING CHEN、Chen, Lyn Chao-ling、Chen, Kuan-Wen、Hung, Yi-Ping conference web page(90)
2018-01 Sleep posture classification with multi-stream CNN using vertical distance map CHAO-LING CHEN、Chen, Lyn Chao-ling、Li, Yan-Ying、Lei, Yan-Jing、Hung, Yi-Ping conference web page(92)
2017-05 Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision? CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C.、Shor, Eran、Baccini, Leonardo、Tsai, Chi-Ting、Lin, Tai-Ho article web page(66)
2018-02 Double-Speaking Human Rights: Analyzing Human Rights Conception in Chinese Politics (1989-2015) CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C.、Hsu, Chia-hao article web page(81)