All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2010-2019)

Showing 101-125 of 704
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.01 安倍晉三內閣的人事佈局和經濟政策走向 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(1052)
2013.04 東日本大地震兩週年:重建之路的機會與挑戰 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(891)
2013.02 第二次安倍晉三政權的理念和對外政策的展望 TADAHIRO ISHIHARA article pdf(897)
2012.07 美國「重返亞洲」對區域主義之意涵 CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE article pdf(613)
2010 東協衝突管理機制與角色探討 CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE article
2010.04 族群差異,族群歧視,與族群衝突—全球與亞太趨勢的比較 TSAI-WEI SUNTSAI-WEI SUN article pdf(732)
2012.09 Norm-Centered Constructivism and Cross-Strait Relations: Theory and Practice I YUANI YUAN article pdf(903)
2011.09 Reorienting Taiwan into the Chinese Orbit: Power Analysis of China``s Rise in Promotion of China``s One-China Principle in International Structures YI-CHUN LINYI-CHUN LIN article pdf(1355)
2010.04 China`s Reaction to the Color Revolutions: Adaptive Authoritarianism in Full Swing CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article pdf(1216)
2011.07 歐盟的中國焦慮症 CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article pdf(871)
2010.09 重鑄紅色天平:中國司法改革的政治邏輯及其對人權的影響 CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article pdf(982)
2012.08 中俄否決安理會對敘利亞決議草案的立場分析 CHIH-CHIEH CHEN article pdf(968)
2012.06 「烏坎事件」總結及對民進黨的意義 CHIH-CHIEH CHEN article pdf(665)
2011.12 司法改革改了誰? CHIH-CHIEH CHEN article pdf(744)
2012.04 Recalibrating the Measure of Justice: Beijing`s effort to recentralize the judiciary and its mixed results CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article pdf(1242)
2011.09 Book Review -- Socialist Insecurity: Pensions and the Politics of Uneven Development in China. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. By Mark W. Frazier, 2010 CHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHIH-SHIAN LIOU article pdf(1500)
2010.12 中國的城鄉教育二元化發展之源起與挑戰:從制度變遷的角度分析 JUEI-CHI WANGJUEI-CHI WANG article pdf(1031)
2013.06 Dual Transitions in Reformed China: Property Rights and the Case of Zhongguancun CHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHIH-SHIAN LIOU article pdf(1161)
2013.07 吳習會後的兩岸關係與台灣政局 KUO-CHEN SUNG article web page(1080)
2013.08 Between the Hierarchy and the Market: Managerial Career Trajectories in China`s Energy Sector CHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHUNG-MIN TSAICHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHUNG-MIN TSAI book/chapter web page(1780)
2013.09 網路民意調查的理論與實務 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU book/chapter web page(1449)
2013.09 民意調查新論 LU-HUEI CHEN book/chapter web page(1468)
2013.09 民意調查資料的分析與詮釋 LU-HUEI CHEN book/chapter web page(1261)
2013.09 民意調查報告的撰寫 LU-HUEI CHEN book/chapter web page(1376)
2013.06 政治信任的問卷設計與測量 LU-HUEI CHEN book/chapter web page(1526)