
Showing 1026-1050 of 4387
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
1991-11 中華民國大陸政策與中共對台政策的比較評估 宋國誠 conference
1999-09 Internationalization, Institutions, and Policy Choices: the Case of China`s Policy Response to the Asian Financial Crisis 陶儀芬 conference
1991-03 精英整合與台灣民主化 歐陽新宜 conference
1991-11 中華民國大陸政策與中共對台政策的比較評估 宋國誠 conference
1996-06 Stream Versus Counter-stream: China`s Urban-Rural Migration Pattern and Its Impact 歐陽新宜 conference
1991-03 精英整合與台灣民主化 歐陽新宜 conference
2007-03 Demographic Transition in the Little Dragons: Suggestions for Development Approach? 歐陽新宜 conference
1996-06 Stream Versus Counter-stream: China`s Urban-Rural Migration Pattern and Its Impact 歐陽新宜 conference
2007-02 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 陳永生 conference
2007-03 Demographic Transition in the Little Dragons: Suggestions for Development Approach? 歐陽新宜 conference
2002-04 A Catch-up Strategy? China`s Policy toward Foreign Direct Investment 陶儀芬 conference pdf(2103)
2007-02 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 陳永生 conference
2006-08 Sense, Sensitivity and Sophistication in Shaping the Future of Cross-Strait Relation 耿曙、陳陸輝、黃冠博 conference
2001-11 政治信任感與台灣選民投票行為 陳陸輝何思因 conference
2000-12 政府網站與民間網站在公共政策上之差異 陳陸輝 conference
2000-10 台灣選民政黨認同的形成 陳陸輝 conference
2008-11 Issues and Voting Choices in Taiwan`s Local Elections: A Case Study of the Taipei City`s Mayoral Elections 1994-2006 黃紀陳永福蔡佳泓游清鑫 conference pdf(1453)
2008-08 Issues beyond Independence versus Unification: Taiwanese Orientation on Domestic Public Policy 蔡佳泓俞振華黃紀 conference
2008-07 選制變遷對政黨體系之影響評估:變異量結構模型之探討 蔡佳泓王鼎銘林超琦 book/chapter pdf(615)
2008-04 Political Knowledge of A New Election System: A Case Study of the 2008 Taiwan Legislative Election 蔡佳泓游清鑫 conference
2007-02 民族認同、政策偏好與政黨評價 蔡佳泓 conference
2006-09 Party Identification, Voting Behavior, and Election System in Taiwan: 1995-2004 游清鑫蔡佳泓 conference
2006-05 Voting Behavior and Electoral Engineering in Taiwan 游清鑫鄭夙芬陳陸輝蔡佳泓 conference
2006-10 民眾對中央和地方政府的政治信任對其縣市長選舉的影響 陳陸輝 conference
2006-04 Making Sense of Issue Position, Party Image, Party Performance, and Voting Choice: A Case Study of Taiwan`s 2004 Legislative Election 蔡佳泓 conference