
Showing 1751-1775 of 4387
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
1998-11 安全典制與美「中」關係:一個認知社群的分析架構 袁易 conference
1996-07 China`s Defense Industry in the Context of the Central-Local Relationship 丁樹範 conference
1999-01 從香港終審法院判決看基本法解釋權之爭 梁玉英 conference
1993-07 台澳經貿關係之展望 梁玉英 conference
2004-11 兩岸軍備控制:台灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖無核武器區之芻議 袁易 conference
2004-01 兩岸學者對國際政治學之在地經驗評估:以中國遵循國際導彈建制的解析為例 袁易 conference
2002-06 The U.S. Roles in Taiwan`s Spent Fuel Dilemma 袁易 conference
2001-08 Resolutions for the Cross-Strait Conflict 袁易 conference
2001-06 美國台海策略的常與變 袁易 conference
2001-01 The Future We Expect and how to Manage the Cross-Strait Relation 袁易 conference
2000-12 利益、權力與知識:美國與中共軍事交流之弔詭 袁易 conference
1996-06 China`s Defence Finance: Content Administration and Future Development 丁樹範 conference
2000-09 Cooperation under Anarchy: Taiwan Strait as a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone 袁易 conference
1999-09 In Searching of an Indigenized paradigm & Research Program in International Relations 袁易 conference
1998-06 Cooperation under Anarchy & U.S.-China Nonproliferation Debacle or Success: A Constructivist/Neorealist Debate 袁易 conference
1998-09 Asymmetry & Strategies of Cross-Strait Conflict: Tawian Strait Crises Revisited 袁易 conference
1997-12 美「中」戰略伙伴關係之另類思考 袁易 conference
1997-11 Confronting IR Paradigms: On Studying the Cooperative Security in the Post Cold-War East Asia 袁易 conference
1997-06 The Ordeal of Civility: Taiwan Strait Crises Reconsidered 袁易 conference
1996-09 The Strategy of Conflict: the Offense-Defense Balance in Cross-Strait Relations 袁易 conference
1996-06 Center & Periphery: Cultural Identity & Localism of the Southern Chinese Peasantry 袁易 conference
1995-06 Tyranny of the Status Quo Taiwan Lobby`s Impact on the U.S.-Taiwan Relations 袁易 conference
2004-09 城鄉一體化的理論提法與格局 陳墇津 conference
1995-04 State Dominance & Peasant Resistance in Post-1949 South China 袁易 conference
1994-01 The Dilemma of Cross Straits Relations 袁易 conference