All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers )

Showing 4201-4225 of 4380
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-09 Media Use and Political Polarization in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(439)
2020-10 Presidential Approval Rating in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(294)
2021-12 Rally around the Jab? COVID-19 Vaccine Policy and Presidential Approval Rating in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(367)
2020-11 The Role of Polling in Taiwan’s Election ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(354)
2021-10 How China Factor Mediate Personality Effect on Party Preference in Taiwan? LU-HUEI CHENLU-HUEI CHEN conference web page(304)
2021-10 The China Factor and Taiwan`s 2020 Presidential Election SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference web page(272)
2021-10 Threat Perception and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference web page(349)
2022-01 Changes in globalization and cross-strait trade and economic interaction: strategy and planning TE-SHENG CHENTE-SHENG CHEN book web page(466)
2021-10 台港澳互動變局與粵港澳大灣區發展機遇與挑戰 TE-SHENG CHENTE-SHENG CHEN book web page(305)
2022-01 Strategic implications of Recent US-Taiwan Economic Talks CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter pdf(224)
2022-03 Explaining change in independence–unification views in Taiwan: a within-between model CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAITSUNG-HAN TSAI article web page(251)
2019-10 Polarization Perception and Support for Democracy: The Case of Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YUYI-CHING HSIAOERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Hsiao, Yi-ching conference web page(249)
2018-06 公民意識與政治參與的持續與變遷 LU-HUEI CHEN conference pdf(160)
2022-03 Taking stock of social-political polarization in Asia: Political communication, social media and digital governance TSUI-CHUAN LINCHIA-HUNG TSAIYU-LI LIUCHIA-HUNG TSAI article web page(258)
2022-05 Indigenous Women Candidates and Their Campaigns in the Local Council Elections SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、 Lin, Chiung Chu conference pdf(110)
2022-03 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 SU-FENG CHENG report web page(347)
2022-02 印太經濟框架的地緣政治意涵 CHYUNG LY LEE article web page(183)
2022-04 從2022年中共兩會觀察中國政治情勢 WEI-FENG TZENG article web page(236)
2022-03 2021年兩岸情勢總結與預判 WEI-FENG TZENG article web page(152)
2020-08 A Rural-Urban Divide? Reassessing Voting in Chinese Villagers’ Committee and Residents’ Committee Elections WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(178)
2020-07 A Year After the Anti-extradition Bill Protest: Hong Kong as a Weapon in the US-China Competition WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(149)
2017-11 Against Everything Involving China? Two Types of Sinophobia in Taiwan WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG、Lee, Kuan-Chen、Ho, Karl、Clarke, Harold article web page(139)
2021.04 An Evaluation of the US-China Competition in the South China Sea under Trump and Xi WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(141)
2022-08 The ballot or the bullet? Public awareness of grassroots elections and regime stability in China WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(177)
2021-12 Assessment on the Measures and Roles of Chinese Provincial Governments in the Cross-strait Relations WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(192)