All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2000-2009)

Showing 401-425 of 9036
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-07 2004年總統大選後台灣的大陸政策前景 童振源 conference pdf(1755)
2002-11 「中共十六大與國家轉型」研析報告 童振源、徐斯儉、陳志柔、吳志中 conference
2005-09 Cross-Strait Relations in an Era of Rising China 趙建民 conference
2005-07 Military Confidence-building Measurements and the Security in the Taiwan-Strait Area 趙建民 conference
2005-07 Military Confidence-building Measurements and the Security in the Taiwan-Strait Area 趙建民 conference
2005-06 Changing Cross-Strait Relations: An Assessment 趙建民 conference
2005-06 Changing Cross-Strait Relations: An Assessment 趙建民 conference
2003-07 Sovereignty-driven Diplomatic Isolation: A Case Study of the ROC 趙建民、許志嘉 conference
2003-07 Sovereignty-driven Diplomatic Isolation: A Case Study of the ROC 趙建民、許志嘉 conference
2001-08 A Discussion of Trends in China`s Domestic and Foreign Policy Following the Successful Olympic Bid\" Kao Yuang-Kuang conference
2002-12 產業西移與政府角色:資訊業大陸投資的政經影響 趙建民、李森永 conference
2002-12 產業西移與政府角色:資訊業大陸投資的政經影響 趙建民、李森永 conference
2002-01 Comments upon Lin Wen-chen`s \"China`s Cross-Strait Policy and the 16th CPC`s National Party Congress Kao Yuang-Kuang conference
2004-04 Global Governance and Domestic Genetically Modified Foods Regulation Policy-Making in Taiwan 顏良恭吳德美 conference
2000-05 The ROC`s Foreign Relations under President Lee Teng-hui: A Balance Sheet 趙建民 conference 說明頁(1316)
2000-06 More Democracy Less Security? Dilemmas of Cross-Strait Political Economy 趙建民 conference
2000-08 Specialization Central Leadership and People`s Congress`es Oversight Power in China 趙建民 conference
2001-01 自中山先生的議會思想論中共人民代表大會制度的監督 趙建民 conference
2001-01 Opportunities amid Crisis Cross-strait Relations under President Chen Shui-bian 趙建民 conference
2001-04 The Great Transition: How Does the DPP Handle the Cross-strait Relations? 趙建民 conference
2001-06 From Utopia and Back: DPP`s Mainland Policies A Year after Becoming A Ruling Party 趙建民 conference
2001-11 More Integration More Alienation? Cross-Strait Relations in the Twenty-First Century 趙建民、Chao, Chien-Min conference 說明頁(1215)
2003-12 NPC`s Hearing System and Inplications for China`s Future Democracy Tsun-hsiang Chang conference
2002-06 The National People`s Congress`s Oversight Power and the Role of the CCP 趙建民 conference
2002-08 The Rise of China and Sino-Japan Relations: A Taiwanese Perspective 趙建民 conference