All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 6944
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 房地產投資與市場分析-理論與實務 CHIN-OH CHANG book/chapter web page(1462)
2013.02 Taiwan`s Five Major Metropolitan Areas of Taiwan Vulnerability Assessment of Flood Disasters Comparison Study JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI book/chapter web page(1359)
2012.12 老人福利服務 PAU-CHING LU book/chapter web page(1547)
2012.12 泰雅族地理調查與研究-從泰雅族的河流故事談起 DA-WEI KUAN article pdf(911)
2014-01 是誰告訴人民政府表現如何?政府績效、公共資訊、與外電新聞的守門人之研究 DON-YUN CHEN、孫玟秀、呂季蓉、DON-YUN CHEN、 Lu, Chi-Jung、 Sun, Wen-Show article pdf(1432)
2013-11 一等水準測量成果資料檢驗對水準點下陷偵測之研究 FANG-SHII NING book/chapter web page(1686)
2012-11 孫中山百年建國志業的再檢視 LI-CHUNG PENG book/chapter web page(1390)
2011 大陸經貿政策的根源-國家與社會的互動 TSE-KANG LENGTSE-KANG LENG book/chapter web page(1283)
2013-05 再論選區服務與立法問政:選制改革前後的比較 SHING-YUAN SHENG conference
2013-04 Determinants for Reelection: A Comparison between Taiwanese Old and New Electoral Systems SHING-YUAN SHENG conference
2013.09 財富分配議題的問卷設計與測量 SHING-YUAN SHENG book/chapter web page(1307)
2012-05 政黨、選區與立委在兩岸關係上的國會立法 SHING-YUAN SHENG、廖育嶒 conference
2011-05 臺灣政黨在立法院的運作 SHING-YUAN SHENG、蔡韻竹 conference
2011-05 企業型政治的議程設定與立法產出 SHING-YUAN SHENGSHING-YUAN SHENG conference
2012-12 政黨在立法院的合作與對立:1996-2011的觀察 SHING-YUAN SHENG conference
2010-05 議程設定與立法產出:行政機關與立法機關在立法過程中的影響力 SHING-YUAN SHENG conference
2010-03-31 政大生活圈e 化一點通 JIHN-FA JAN、孔繁恩、林專耀、李唯碩、徐千雅 report pdf(2758)
2010-03-10 The Effects of Tracking on Math Performance: Evidence from the Junior High Students in Taiwan 陳威霖;關秉寅、Chen, Wei-Lin、PING-YIN KUAN conference
201106 政策利害關係人指認的理論與實務:以全民健保改革為例 DON-YUN CHEN、劉宜君、NAIYI HSIAO、林昭吟、DON-YUN CHEN、Liu,I-Chun 、NAIYI HSIAO、Lin,Chao-Yin article pdf(1416)
2010 台灣集村興建農舍政策施行成效之探討-以新竹縣為例 AI-CHING YEN book/chapter web page(1144)
2010-06-01 Asia-Pacific Social and Cultural Regional Integration: Connecting Peoples of Austronesian Language David Blundell conference pdf(2040)
2010-06-02 The Strategic Triangle Approach: A Concept Still Viable for Explaining U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations? Sebastian Biba、畢思泉 conference web page(1260)
2010-06-02 Re-discovering the Asian culture through the dialogue with Europe. The interregional cultural exchange and the impact on Pan-Asian identity creation Huong Le Thu conference
2010-05 兩岸鄉村發展與農村治理 JENN-HWAN WANGJUEI-CHI WANGCHEN YONG-SHENG FU book/chapter pdf(1797)
2010-05 災後重建政策與誘因排擠:以九二一地震後某社區營造集體行動為例 CHING-PING TANG、黃詩涵、黃坤山 book/chapter