All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2010-2019)

Showing 6926-6942 of 6942
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-11 Open Science and Computational Social Science as Foundation of Promoting Public Participation and Governance Innovation: The Case of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) JI-PING LIN conference web page(114)
2015-03 Construction of Micro Genealogy as “Social DNA Sequencing” for The Study of Assimilation and Integration: An Approach Using High Performance Computing (HPC) Applied to Cumulated Micro Data Sets of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples JI-PING LINJI-PING LIN conference web page(135)
2017-08 台灣原住民族之人類發展指數及政策涵義 JI-PING LIN conference web page(124)
2013-02 無名的造神者:熱貢唐卡藝人研究 NAI-HUA CHEN book web page(84)
2018-10 解構新自由主義全球化下的「第五大族群─新住民」論述 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(100)
2016-10 資本主義全球化與跨國移民/工現象 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(119)
2014 The Determinants of the Technology Acquisition for Foreign Enterprises in Taiwan 林筠家、Lin, Yun-Chia thesis pdf(0)
2015-01 Action research with marginalized immigrants’ coming to voice: twenty years of social movement support in taiwan and still going HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(131)
2015-12 Reproduction Crisis, Illegality, and Migrant Women under Capitalist Globalization: the Case of Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(107)
2016-10 Rethinking multiculturalism from a trans-east-Asian perspective HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(121)
2010-04 The Making of a Transnational Grassroots Migrant Movement: A Case Study of Hong Kong’s Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(112)
2016-10 The making of multiculturalistic subjectivity: the case of marriage migrants’ empowerment in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(109)
2010-01 The Subjectivation of Marriage Migrants in Taiwan: the Insider’s Perspectives HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(105)
2015-10 The Tug of War over Multiculturalism: Contestation between Governing and Empowering Immigrants in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(123)
2010-07 新移民運動:慢一點,比較快 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(118)
2010-09 台灣原住民的遷移及社會經濟地位之變遷與現況 JI-PING LIN book/chapter web page(120)
2010-09 台灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估研究:問卷調查之抽樣與執行 JI-PING LIN book/chapter web page(140)