All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science)

Showing 576-600 of 27623
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997-04 九七後中共對台政策與我因應對策之探討 趙建民 conference
1997-05 台灣主體意識與中國大陸民族主義的對抗:面對二十一世紀的兩岸關係 趙建民 conference
1997-08 意識形態、派系鬥爭、與中國民主之未來-八○年代以來全國人大的發展經驗 趙建民 conference
1997-09 Taiwan`s Democratization and Cross-Strait Relations 趙建民 conference
1998-01 兩岸經貿互動之政治考慮 趙建民 conference
1998-03 中共十五大的政治經濟分析 趙建民 conference
2002-01 Comments upon Lin Wen-chen`s \"China`s Cross-Strait Policy and the 16th CPC`s National Party Congress YUANG-KUANG KAO conference
1999-01 中共全國人大黨政關係與中國民主化的前景 趙建民 conference
1999-01 建構大中華經濟圈的政治思考 趙建民 conference
1999-03 亞太多邊安全機制的發展對台海兩岸的啟示 趙建民 conference
1999-03 二十一世紀兩岸關係的基本思考:經濟整合vs文化差異 趙建民 conference
1999-05 革命理想與政治現實的辯證—論中國大陸政治發展理論的爭辯 趙建民 conference web page(1195)
1999-06 Ideology Factionalism and Future Democracy in China: New Developments in the National People`s Congress since the 1980`s 趙建民 conference
1999-06 當前大陸政治情勢分析 趙建民 conference
1999-08 黨國體制下黨與立法機構關係的若干思考 趙建民 conference
1999-09 Some Thoughts on the Party-Legislature Relations in a Leninist Regime 趙建民 conference
1999-10 第三次國共政治談判:背景、需求、問題 趙建民 conference
2004-04 Global Governance and Domestic Genetically Modified Foods Regulation Policy-Making in Taiwan LIANG-KUNG YENTE-MEI WU conference
1999-12 面向二十一世紀的台灣安全:亞太多邊安全機制的建構與兩岸互動 趙建民 conference web page(890)
2000-05 The ROC`s Foreign Relations under President Lee Teng-hui: A Balance Sheet 趙建民 conference web page(1316)
2000-06 More Democracy Less Security? Dilemmas of Cross-Strait Political Economy 趙建民 conference
2000-08 Specialization Central Leadership and People`s Congress`es Oversight Power in China 趙建民 conference
2001-01 自中山先生的議會思想論中共人民代表大會制度的監督 趙建民 conference
2001-01 Opportunities amid Crisis Cross-strait Relations under President Chen Shui-bian 趙建民 conference
2001-04 The Great Transition: How Does the DPP Handle the Cross-strait Relations? 趙建民 conference