All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics、2010-2019)

Showing 776-800 of 1175
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-12 A novel comparative deep learning framework for facial age estimation 余能豪、Abousaleh, Fatma S.、Lim, Tekoing、Cheng, Wen-Huang、Yu, Neng-Hao、Hossain, M. Anwar、Alhamid, Mohammed F. article pdf(661)
2016-02 Mobilizing Digital Museums HUNG-CHIN JANGTZU-CHIEH TSAI、Lien, Yao-Nan、TZU-CHIEH TSAIJENG-PEI KUO、Hu, Chih-Lin book/chapter web page(887)
2015 社群網路分析為基礎之政治權力觀察平台建置 JYI-SHANE LIU report pdf(453)
2017 MapReduce skyline query processing with partitioning and distributed dominance tests Koh, Jia-Ling、Chen, Chia-Ching、Chan, Chih-Yu、Chen, Arbee L.P.、陳家慶 article pdf(541)
2017 SDN based QoS aware bandwidth management framework for smart homes 林建廷、Lin, Jian Ting thesis pdf(180)
2017 Temporal-aware conflict detection method for environmental regulation 侯宇澤、Hou, Yu Tse thesis pdf(39)
2017 Exploring check-in data to infer social ties in location based social networks KUO-WEI HSU、Kao, Min-Chia、KUO-WEI HSU、Peng, Wen-Chih、KUO-WEI HSU book/chapter web page(753)
2017 Logic control for story graphs in 3D game narratives Wu, Hui-Yin、TSAI-YEN LI、Christie, Marc、TSAI-YEN LI conference web page(947)
2017-03 Context aware mobile data offload using SDN HUNG-CHIN JANG、Chang, Chien-Hsiung、HUNG-CHIN JANG conference web page(717)
2017-04 Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group WEN-HUNG LIAO、Wu, Chia-Chen、Lin, Ming-Ching、WEN-HUNG LIAO conference web page(842)
2017-01 Evaluation of interactive data visualization tools based on gaze and mouse tracking WEN-HUNG LIAO、Liao, Wenhung、WEN-HUNG LIAO conference web page(884)
2017-03 A Formal Model for Robust Spatial-Aware Service Management in IoT-Enriched Smart Home CHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAO conference web page(756)
2017-03 On Findability Issues of Constrained Web of Things in a Smart Home Environment CHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAO conference web page(639)
2017-02 Influence of cultural factors in dynamic trust in automation Chien, Shih-Yi、Lewis, Michael、Sycara, Katia、JYI-SHANE LIU、Kumru, Asiye、JYI-SHANE LIU conference web page(817)
2017-03 Exploring multi-view learning for activity inferences on smartphones KUO-WEI HSU、Lai, Chien-Hsiang、KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference web page(910)
2017-05 An off-line mobile payment protocol providing double-spending detection RAY-LIN TSO、Lin, Chen-Yi、RAY-LIN TSO conference web page(853)
2017-01 TopicWave: Visual exploration for topics with hierarchical time-varying data MING-TE CHI、Xiong, Kai-Wen、Guo, Jian-Kai、Liao, Chun-Min、MING-TE CHIMING-TE CHI conference pdf(482)
2017-01 Effectively mining time-constrained sequential patterns of smartphone application usage KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference pdf(359)
2017-01 Heterogeneous AdaBoost with stochastic algorithm selection KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference pdf(405)
2017-01 Identifying user profile using facebook photos WEN-HUNG LIAO、Chang, Ting-Ya、Wu, Yi-Chieh、WEN-HUNG LIAO conference pdf(510)
2017-01 Information diffusion on facebook: A case study of the sunflower student movement in Taiwan KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference web page(638)
2017-01 Predicting political affiliation of posts on facebook Chang, Che-Chia、KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference pdf(387)
2017-01 Integrating adaptive boosting and support vector machines with varying kernels KUO-WEI HSUKUO-WEI HSU conference pdf(392)
2015-09 A shareable keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing RAY-LIN TSORAY-LIN TSO、Weng, Chi-Yao、Yuan, Lun-Pin、RAY-LIN TSORAY-LIN TSO、Sun, Hung-Min article pdf(466)
2014-10 An improved visual cryptography with cheating prevention RAY-LIN TSO、Chen, Yu-Chi、Lu, Kunhan、RAY-LIN TSORAY-LIN TSO conference pdf(449)