All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics)

Showing 76-100 of 3143
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998-11 Dynamic Allocation of Signature File on Parallel Devices MAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHAN article pdf(1162)
2005-09 Building Digital Heritage with Team Work Empowerment JYI-SHANE LIU、Tze-Kai Huang、Mu-Hsi Tseng article pdf(1029)
2006-05 A Web-based Tutoring System with Styles-matching Strategy for Spatial Geometric Transformation TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI、 Chang, Chun-Yen、TSAI-YEN LI article pdf(1589)
2000-06 Locating Mobile Agents on Predictable Search Paths YAO-NAN LIEN、Hung-Chin Jang、Jyh-Shan Huang、Lien,Yao-Nan article pdf(590)
2002-02 以構詞律與相似法為本的中文動詞自動分類研究 曾慧馨、CHAO-LIN LIU、高照明、陳克健 article
2007-06 Realizing Voice Dialog Management in a Collaborative Virtual Environment TSAI-YEN LICHUN-FENG LIAOTSAI-YEN LI article pdf(1153)
1997-04 On-Line Manipulation Planning for Two Robot Arms in a Dynamic Environment TSAI-YEN LI、J-C- Latombe article pdf(1247)
1997-12 A Random Sampling Scheme for Path Planning J- Barraquand、L- Kavraki、J-C Latombe、TSAI-YEN LI、P- Raghavan article pdf(2412)
1995-01 A Development Framework and Verification Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Systems HUNG-CHIN JANGHUNG-CHIN JANG article web page(1186)
2000-12 Multihop Wireless IEEE 802-11 LANs:A Prototype Implementation TZU-CHIEH TSAI article
2006-06 CAC and Packet Scheduling Using Token Bucket for IEEE 802.16 Networks TZU-CHIEH TSAITZU-CHIEH TSAITZU-CHIEH TSAI、Chi-Hong Jiang article pdf(582)
1996-12 Direct Composition Algorithms YAO-NAN LIEN article
1999-03 Allocation of Signature File on Parallel Device for WWW Index Servers MAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHAN article pdf(1586)
2000-06 Locating Mobile Agents on Predictable Search Paths HUNG-CHIN JANG、 Huang,Jyh-shyan 、 Lien,Yao-nan、HUNG-CHIN JANG article web page(1341)
2004-07 Case Instance Generation and Refinement for Case-Based Criminal Summary Judgments in Chinese CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu,Chao-lin、張正宗、Chang, Cheng-tsung、何君豪、Ho, Jim-how article pdf(627)
2005-05 Some Optimal Parallel Algorithms on Interval and Circular-Arc Graphs 許芳榮、MAN-KWAN SHAN、趙考蜀、李家同 article pdf(1538)
2007-03 An Incremental Learning Approach to Motion Planning with Roadmap Management TSAI-YEN LI、SHIE, YANG-CHUAN article pdf(447)
2006-01 Discovering Phenomena – Correlations among Association Rules Y-C- Chang、Y-H- Wu、LIANG-PEI CHEN article pdf(1425)
2007-01 Software Piracy Attacks on Java Software Using Malicious Aspects KUNG CHEN、陳鉅秉 article pdf(1152)
2005-08 Online Mining Changes of Items over Continuous Append-only and Dynamic Data Streams Hua-Fu Li、MAN-KWAN SHANMAN-KWAN SHAN article pdf(1180)
2004-04 Considering Model-based Adaptivity for Learning Objects H-C- Wang、TSAI-YEN LI article pdf(747)
2004-01 Analyzing Empirical Evaluation of Advanced Learning Environments: Complex Systems and Confounding Factors H-C- Wang、C-Y- Chang、TSAI-YEN LI article pdf(1542)
2006-12 Procedural Rhythmic Character Animation: An Interactive Chinese Lion Dance TSAI-YEN LI、 Chen, Je-Ren、TSAI-YEN LI article pdf(545)
2001-12 Gaz-Guide: Agent Mediated Information Retrieval for Official Gazettes JYI-SHANE LIU、Von-Wun Soo、Chia-Ning Chiang article web page(87)
2006-07 Maintaining Moving Sums over Data Streams LIANG-PEI CHEN、Chen, Arbee L. P.、 Wu, Tzu-Chiang article web page(118)