All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics)

Showing 201-225 of 3152
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 A New Approach for Rating-Based Collaborative Music Recommendation C.R. Lin、N.H. Liu、Y.H. Wu、LIANG-PEI CHEN conference
2004 Hiding Sensitive Patterns in Association Rules Mining G. Lee、C.Y. Chang、LIANG-PEI CHEN conference
2004 Music Segmentation by Rhythmic Features and Melodic Shapes H.C. Chen、C.H. Lin、LIANG-PEI CHEN conference
2001-06 An Agent-Based Secure E-Commerce Environment with Distributed Authentication and Authorization Services YUH-JONG HU conference
2000-01 Agent-Based Attack and Defense for an Intranet Environment YUH-JONG HU conference
2002 個人化的美術影像風格查詢系統 MAN-KWAN SHAN、劉勁男 conference pdf(1085)
1998-01 Autonomous Security Agents: Negotiating Compatible Crypto Protocols on Behalf of the End-User YUH-JONG HU conference
1997-12 My Secure Java Agents Use Secure Agent Communication Protocols to Autonomously Proceed Secure Conversation YUH-JONG HU conference
1996-02 Interaction Protocols for Intelligent Agents in Distributed Services Environment YUH-JONG HU conference
1996-01 Cooperation Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Protocols for Automatic Services and Resources Allocation YUH-JONG HU conference
1995-11 Intelligent Autonomous Resources Allocation in Distributed Open Multi agent Systems YUH-JONG HU conference
1994-05 How to Use a Client-Server Framework to Build Application Systems in the Heterogeneous Environment YUH-JONG HU conference
1993-05 The Strategic Planning for Open Systems Environments YUH-JONG HU conference
1992-12 In Search of the Optimal Adpative Load Sharing Policy for Distributed Systems YUH-JONG HU conference
1992-05 Implementing a Workload Notifier Systems for Adaptive Load Balancing by Remote Procedure Calls YUH-JONG HU conference
1991-04 Simulating Adaptive Load Sharing Policies on an iPSC/2 Multicomputer YUH-JONG HU conference
2006-12 EGOE: a Generating System of Multi-View Editing Environments on Eclipse Platform CHENG-CHIA CHEN conference
2005-12 可快速與Eclipse環境整合的軟體之規範與輔助工具發展 吳昆澤、CHENG-CHIA CHEN conference
2005-12 可維護多個作業環境的管理系統之設計 石旭本、CHENG-CHIA CHEN conference
1994-09 The Complexity of Possibility reasoning CHENG-CHIA CHEN、I-Peng Lin conference
2007-06 A New TCP Congestion Control Mechanism over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks by Router-Assisted Approach YAO-NAN LIEN、Ho-Cheng Hsiao conference
2007-03 A UDP Based Protocol for Distributed P2P File Sharing YAO-NAN LIEN、Hong-Qi Xu conference
2006-09 Phantom Positioning Technology for Indoor WLAN YAO-NAN LIEN、Lien, Yao-Nan conference pdf(281)
2005-06 Performance Issues of P2P File Sharing Over Asymmetric and Wireless Networks YAO-NAN LIEN conference
2005-03 QoS Management for All-IP Core Networks Lien, Yao-Nan 、Chien-Tung Chen、Ming-Chih Chen、Tsung-Hsung Li、Yi-Min Chen、YAO-NAN LIEN conference pdf(487)