All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 26-50 of 550
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-04-02 核課期間與租稅逃漏 翁堃嵐、黃則強 conference pdf(2233)
2010-04-02 我國香菸稅租稅負擔與吸菸家庭特性之研究 羅光達、林煥德 conference pdf(3586)
2010-04-02 Reputation as an External Incentive Mechanism in State 李軍林、李天有 conference pdf(2038)
2010-04-02 Symmetric Mortality and Asymmetric Suicide Cycles 鄭輝培、吳文傑 conference pdf(2002)
2010-04-02 總需求和總供給衝擊我國失業和產出動態關係的影響分析 方福前、孫永君 conference pdf(2691)
2010-04-02 從「馬克思時刻」到「明斯基時刻」:馬克思主義危機理論和1975-2008年美國利潤率動態 謝福勝、李安 conference pdf(1668)
2010-04-02 Life Insurance and Suicide: A Test of the Existence of Asymmetric Information 陳國樑、Yun Jeong Choi、Yasuyuki Sawada conference pdf(2516)
2010-03-06 由下而上的文化再生──以湖南省通道縣芋頭侗寨迴龍橋的重建為例 張駿逸 conference pdf(2098)
2010-03-06 外籍配偶的「生育工具角色」檢視 戴瑋葶;陳信木;林佳瑩 conference pdf(3785)
2010-03-06 全球化下地方文化產業發展──以貓空茶文化產業為例 蕭武桐、林亦杰 conference pdf(7210)
2010-03-06 宜蘭童玩節復辦省思:文化與政治的對話 陳衍宏 conference pdf(2414)
2010-03-06 柏林的二戰紀念與觀光 周京元 conference pdf(3311)
2010-03-06 從在地化到全球化:以珍珠奶茶為例 林佳瑩曾秀雲 conference pdf(29152)
2010-03-06 祭祖的政治學──日本二戰紀念亡者記憶的重塑 傅琪貽 conference pdf(1993)
2010-10-30 政治課責與投票抉擇:2009年雲林縣縣長及鄉鎮市長選舉之分析 蕭怡靖、黃紀 conference pdf(2284)
2010-10-30 Is all politics local? National factors in Taiwan’s local elections 林啟耀、吳皇昇、俞振華 conference pdf(2470)
2010-09-27 Chin fifth generation leaders` promotion of intra-party democracy:a possible roadmap for China future democracy 孫紹正 conference pdf(2470)
2010-09-27 The evolution of Chinese labor rights from a multi-governance perspective 吳德美 conference pdf(2002)
2010-09-27 An incomplete justice: a framework of assessing the female spouse immigration policies in Taiwan 彭立忠、蕭慧瑛 conference pdf(1966)
2010-08-26 Gaga的空間性:以馬里光(Mrqwang)流域泰雅部落的經驗為例 官大偉 conference pdf(5015)
2010-06-12 德國左傾恐怖主義始末之探討 葉陽明 conference pdf(3666)
2010-12-18 美國政治壓力對人民幣匯率變化的影響 趙文志、王國臣 conference pdf(2106)
2011.09 To whom and where the hill becomes difficult to climb: effects of personality and cognitive capacity in experimental DA markets 陳樹衡、Umberto Gostoli、戴中擎、施國銓 conference
2011.01 The Significance of Working Memory Capacity in Double Auction Markets: Modeling, Simulation and Experiments 陳樹衡、Chung-Ching Tai、Lee-Xieng Yang、Kuo-Chuan Shih conference
2011 Decision and Behavior in Ultimatum Game with Multi Targets Chen, Shu-Heng 、 Lin,Chia-Yang 、Yang, Lee-Xieng、陳樹衡 conference pdf(707)