All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 351-375 of 412
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-06 兩岸關係整合建構論 徐斯儉 conference
2000-08 An Agency Theory of State-Society Relations in Mainland China and Taiwan 徐斯儉 conference
2000-08 `Tax Assignment System` in Operation: Macro and Micro Perspectives 徐斯儉 conference
2000-12 The Impact of PRC`s Domestic Politics on the Cross-Strait Relations 徐斯儉 conference
2001-04 統合論與兩岸關係:從兩岸社會人民和解的觀點出發 徐斯儉 conference
2001-05 WTO and Its Impact upon PRC`s Domestic Politics 徐斯儉 conference
2001-09 中國農村經濟發展與基層民主發展的關係--鄉鎮企業產權改革與農村基層民主 徐斯儉 conference
2001-09 民主與和平 徐斯儉 conference
2002-05 Taiwan`s Mainland China Policy: An Interplay of International and Domestic Politics 徐斯儉 conference
2002-06 中共十六大與政治改革 徐斯儉 conference
2002-08 中國基層民主與政治發展:一個比較的視野 徐斯儉 conference
2002-10 Social Conflicts in Mainland China at the Dawn of the Sixteenth Party Congress of CCP 徐斯儉 conference
2003-04 中國大陸政治改革的爭議:一個文獻的回顧 徐斯儉 conference
2003-07 『有序參與』與中國農民權益保護 徐斯儉 conference
2003-09 Comparing Election Institutions in China: Pushes from Below and Choices from Above 徐斯儉 conference
2003-12 市場化國家資本主義-一個類型分析 徐斯儉 conference
2004-01 鄉鎮長直接選舉試點之制度比較 徐斯儉 conference
2004-03 有特色的發展型國家-- 以長江三角洲 IC 產業為例 徐斯儉 conference
2004-10 Escalation and De-escalation across the Taiwan Strait -- A Taiwan Perspective 徐斯儉 conference
2004-11 中國農民的政治參與不足:制度與權力 徐斯儉 conference
2004-11 Electoral Institutions, Political Participation, and Grassroots Democracy in Rural China 徐斯儉 conference
2004-12 A Taiwan Realism 徐斯儉 conference
2005-08 Reforming the Party and the State under Hu Jintao 徐斯儉 conference
2005-11 軟紀律約束:改革中共黨國體制的內在限制 徐斯儉 conference
2007-12 社會和諧與法制發展-山西稷山「誹謗案」相關法律問題研究 許光泰 conference