All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 401-425 of 439
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-07 普京時期地緣戰略演變與地緣政治理論 連弘宜 book/chapter 說明頁(99)
2022-02 中東歐經濟:轉型經濟體的發展之路 洪美蘭 book/chapter 說明頁(118)
2023-02 普欽政權20年(2000-2020):中央再集權之延續與轉變 許菁芸 book 說明頁(96)
2021-10 Public Diplomacy at Work: Economic and Cultural Ties between Mexico and Taiwan 馮慕文、Fonseca, Fabricio A. book/chapter 說明頁(94)
2022-06 The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific 寇健文、 黃瓊萩、Kou, Chien-Wen、 Huang, Chiung-Chiu、 Job, Brian book 說明頁(136)
2022-06 A Reluctant Hedging Policy: South Korea’s Dilemma in an Era of U.S.-China Competition 楊雯婷、Yang, Florence W. book/chapter 說明頁(131)
2022-10 鑲嵌在中國兩個大局的兩岸關係:習近平時期中共對台政策解析 王信賢 book/chapter 說明頁(119)
2019-10 地緣政治夾縫中的立陶宛 魏百谷 book/chapter 說明頁(102)
2018-12 波海三國的獨立之路 魏百谷 book/chapter 說明頁(126)
2018-12 馬克思與俄國 魏百谷 book/chapter
2018-11 臺俄經濟關係之演變 魏百谷 book/chapter 說明頁(96)
2022-10 從關係平衡理論分析習近平主政下的中國式多邊主義 黃瓊萩 book/chapter 說明頁(157)
2022-10 Introduction: Crafting the People-Centered Connectedness in Southeast Asian Regionalism 楊昊、Yang, Alan H、Kitamura, Yumi、Thung, Ju Lan book/chapter pdf(100)
2023-06 Introduction: Delineating Driving Forces for New Political Economy in Greater Southeast Asia 楊昊、Yang, Alan H、Masahiro Matsumura book/chapter 說明頁(108)
2022-10 Unpacking Taiwan’s Presence in Southeast Asia: The International Socialization of the New Southbound Policy 楊昊、Yang, Alan H book/chapter 說明頁(78)
2022-11 Unpacking the International Security in The Indo-Pacific: Rationale and New Dynamics of SIX Mores and Its Implications 楊昊、Yang, Alan H book/chapter
2023-01 論國際法上外國政府官員刑事屬人豁免制度的新發展 陳純一 book/chapter 說明頁(100)
2023-01 How Does BRI Affect the Degree of Globalisation in Southeast Asia? 薛健吾、Hsueh, Chien-wu Alex book/chapter 說明頁(120)
2022-10 治絲益棼的印太政策:台灣的主張與作為 楊昊 book/chapter 說明頁(109)
2021-06 離岸風電與環境影響評估—國際環境法義務及對我國之啟示 蔡沛倫 book/chapter 說明頁(108)
2021-09 現代國際法(修訂四版) 陳純一 book 說明頁(79)
2020-08 生命中最重要的貴人—洪茂雄老師 洪美蘭 book/chapter 說明頁(54)
2023-01 Development and trend of economic integration strategy : an empirical comparative dialogue between east and west models 洪美蘭 book 說明頁(97)
2023-06 Unpacking Taiwan-Vietnam Relations: Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Image in Vietnam 楊昊、Yang, Alan Hao book/chapter 說明頁(87)說明頁(46)
2023-06 Navigating the New Political Economy in Southeast Asia Perspectives from Japan, Taiwan and the Region 楊昊、Yang, Alan Hao、Matsumura, Masahiro book 說明頁(147)