All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 76-100 of 4567
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-12 群體智慧與群體力量的實現:網路社群中的情感標籤與連結方略 吳筱玫劉吉軒黃厚銘 conference
2011-11 行動情境下使用者進行遊戲的意願-以智慧型手機為例 林姿旻、陳聖智、陳玉樺、郭正佩 conference
2010 基於RFID之數位設計互動遊戲初探-以大富翁遊戲為例 鄭博育、陳聖智 conference
2010 以互動為導向的公車候車區體感裝置--天籟森林交響趣 張茜茹、林育萱、張允泰、陳嘉豪、陳聖智、李蔡彥 conference
2010-12 需求導向的科技政策:運用數位敘事的願景勾勒程序 陳意文、陳聖智 conference
2010 Correlation Functions for Storage Data and Non Return-to-Zero-Inverted Modulated Data of a High-Density Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure Effect Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Chiu-Hsiung 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih、 Chang, Yuan-Chang 、 Wang, S.T. conference
2010 設計想像力促發之認知思考─以Flash動畫數位學習教材開發為例 呂凌慧、陳韻如、陳聖智 conference
2010-12 新的使用者體驗:以行動傳播為例 鄭宇君、廖文宏、李蔡彥許瓊文、蔡子傑、陳聖智 conference
2010-12 遊戲為基礎之數位內容設計與互動裝置架構探討 鄭博育、陳聖智 conference
2012-07 PBL導向的智慧生活課程發展與融入數位內容教學設計研究 陳聖智、尚漢鼎、張永欽、陳冠燁 conference
2012-08 行動學習課程設計、教學評量與認知負荷探討—以大稻埕數位遊學課程為例 尚漢鼎、陳聖智、郭俊麟 conference
2010-01 Correlation Functions for Storage Data and Non return-to-Zero-Inverted Modulated Data of A High-Density Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure Effect/The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Chiu-Hsiung 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Chang, Yuan-Chang 、 Wang, Shun-Te conference
2010 數位內容資訊承載平台開發─以低成本的多點觸控桌設計為例 林姿旻、陳信慈、黃政明、陳聖智、闕建堡、廖文宏 conference
2010-12 電腦視覺技術於情境感知互動便所之測試與應用 戴張戎、麥圃鳴、張樹安、陳聖智、廖文宏 conference
2010 精緻與精確虛擬三維模型之數位化建置 林士淵、陳聖智 conference
2010 以智慧型手機應用程式「搭傘」開啟─人際溝通新場域 李岱珊、林思采、陳正和、陳聖智 conference
2011 我國發展節慶文化創意產業之探究—一個縱觀性的文獻評析觀察(1998-2010) 陳聖智、吳靜吉、蔡宜倪 conference
2010-03-10 The Effects of Tracking on Math Performance: Evidence from the Junior High Students in Taiwan 陳威霖;關秉寅、Chen, Wei-Lin、Kuan, Ping-Yin conference
2012-07 A Pictorial Semiotic Analysis of The Women in Taiwan 1968-1978 孫秀蕙、陳儀芬 conference
2010-06-01 Asia-Pacific Social and Cultural Regional Integration: Connecting Peoples of Austronesian Language David Blundell conference pdf(2040)
2010-06-02 The Strategic Triangle Approach: A Concept Still Viable for Explaining U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations? Sebastian Biba、畢思泉 conference 說明頁(1199)
2010-06-02 Re-discovering the Asian culture through the dialogue with Europe. The interregional cultural exchange and the impact on Pan-Asian identity creation Huong Le Thu conference
2010 General Education Reform at Harvard University and Interdisciplinary Learning in German Higher Education 陳幼慧 conference
2010-06 「教育學導論」與教育學知識屬性─以德國經驗為例的討論 馮朝霖 conference
2010-03-11 A Study on the Collaboration of Chinese Name Authority Control 林巧敏、林淑芬、Chiao-Min Lin、Shu-Fen Lin conference pdf(7040)