All Of Publications

Showing 144926-144950 of 144985
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-06 AL-powered EdgeFL: Achieving Low Latency and High Accuracy in Federated Learning HUNG-CHIN JANGHUNG-CHIN JANG、Chang, Hao-Po conference web page(5)
2024-10 Enhancing Edge Computing in High-Density IoT for Improved Service Quality and Privacy Protection HUNG-CHIN JANGHUNG-CHIN JANG、Li, Ting-Ching conference pdf(1)
2024-10 Image Denoising Using Min-Max Filtering and Self-Attention Neural Networks HUNG-CHIN JANG、Lu, Yen-Yu、HUNG-CHIN JANG conference pdf(2)
2024-10 Implementation of Hearing Impaired Assistive System Using Visual Aids HUNG-CHIN JANG、Lu, Yen-Yu、Lu, Yi-Ru、HUNG-CHIN JANG conference pdf(1)
2024-09 Domain-adaptive Video Deblurring via Test-time Blurring YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、He, Jin-Ting、Tsai, Fu-Jen、Wu, Jia-Hao、Tsai, Chung-Chi、Lin, Chia-Wen、SIAW-FONG CHUNG conference web page(1)
2024-06 ID-Blau: Image Deblurring by Implicit Diffusion-based reBLurring AUgmentation YAN TSUNG PENG、Peng, Yan-Tsung、Wu, Jia-Hao、Tsai, Fu-Jen、Tsai, Chung-Chi、Lin, Chia-Wen、SIAW-FONG CHUNG conference web page(1)
2024-08 Pairing-Free Identity-Based Encryption with Security Against the KGC YI-FAN TSENG、Tseng, Yi-Fan、Huang, Jheng-Jia、Chen, Guan-Yu、Wang, Wei-Hsueh、Chang, Yu-Hsuan conference web page(2)
2024-08 後量子安全一次性簽章與 Full-Rank 編碼函數實作 YI-FAN TSENG、何建茂、陳沅寬、黃賀軍、張語軒、Tseng, Yi-Fan conference web page(3)
2024-08 基於 Falcon 之安全身份簽章機制 YI-FAN TSENG、簡敦佑、李映薇、張語軒、黃賀軍、Tseng, Yi-Fan conference web page(3)
2024-01 Adversarially Robust Deepfake Detection via Adversarial Feature Similarity Learning WEN-HUNG LIAOWEN-HUNG LIAO、Khan, Sarwar、Chen, Jun-Cheng、Chen, Chu-Song conference web page(1)
2024-01 Evaluating the Performance of Federated Learning Across Different Training Sample Distributions WEN-HUNG LIAOWEN-HUNG LIAO、Lin, Shu-Yu、Wu, Yi-Chieh conference web page(3)
2023-12 The Impact of Parroting Mode on Cross-Lingual Speaker Recognition WEN-HUNG LIAOWEN-HUNG LIAO、Ou, Yen-Chun、Chen, Po-Han、Wu, Yi-Chieh conference web page(0)
2023-08 Intelligent Spatial Modeling for Autonomous Drone Navigation Enhancement JYI-SHANE LIUJYI-SHANE LIU、Ma, Chi-Wei、Lee, Gong-Yi conference web page(2)
2023-12 多無人機複合視角救難目標搜索之偕同地理定位 JYI-SHANE LIU、陳佩瑩 conference
2023-12 基於微型無人機感測器之地面目標定位策略設計 JYI-SHANE LIU、劉益誠、李恭儀 conference
2024-05 臺灣客語語料庫1.0版建置成果與2.0版漸進發展 JYI-SHANE LIU、葉秋杏、HUEI-LING LAI conference pdf(2)
2023-10 The Pilot Study and Model Construction for Word Segmentation in Taiwan Hakka JYI-SHANE LIU、葉秋杏、HUEI-LING LAIJYI-SHANE LIU、Yeh, Chiou-Shing、Lai, Huei-Ling conference pdf(2)
2024-09 Navigating Dual Tides: Japanese Public Opinion in the Midst of US-China Power Competition CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI、Johnston, Alastair、Lin, Shane Hsuan-Yu conference web page(1)
2024-09 China's Grey Zone Aggression in the South China Sea CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE conference pdf(2)
2024-04 Cyber Security Collaborations in Southeast Asia: Approaches of ASEAN-Centered Security Organizations CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE conference pdf(3)
2023-12 「稱姐道妹」臺灣媽祖與王爺的「姐弟」傳說試析—以馬鳴山五年千歲為核心 YING-FA HUNG conference pdf(2)
2023-11 十二兄弟:五年千歲在澎湖的發展與演化 YING-FA HUNG、朱振源、周舜瑾 conference pdf(3)
2023-12 客家六堆 3DGIS 作為在地文化資源管理初探 YING-FA HUNG、邱秀英 conference pdf(2)
2023-10 眾神的土地:馬鳴山五年千歲五年大科及其民俗網絡 YING-FA HUNG conference pdf(5)
2023-12 植物與民俗:從六堆客家盤花談無形文化資產與實踐 YING-FA HUNG、邱秀英 conference pdf(2)