All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 176-200 of 261
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-06 A Comparative Study of Taiwan-India Economic Relations and South Korea-Indian Economic Relations 劉德海 conference
2007-06 A Comparative Study of the China Factor in India and Australia’s Asia Pacific Policy 劉德海 conference
2007-06 Enriched Uranium and Japan`s Security: Implications for Asia Pacific Security 劉德海 conference
2007-04 South Korea - US FTA: A Deal Beyond Trade 劉德海 conference
2006-12 A Taiwanese Perspective on the DPRK’s Nuclear Test 劉德海 conference
2006-10 The China Factor in Asian Economic Integration 劉德海 conference
2006-09 南太平洋和平觀察:澳紐 劉德海 conference
2006-09 和平觀察:東北亞 劉德海 conference
2006-07 South Korea’s FTA Strategy 劉德海 conference
2006-06 Regional Cooperation in the South Pacific Region: Taiwanese and Australian Perspectives 劉德海 conference
2006-06 Rising China and Cross Taiwan-Straits Relations 劉德海 conference
2006-03 Australia-Japan Relations under the Howard Government 劉德海 conference
2005-12 Australia’s Approach to FTA 劉德海 conference
2005-12 Understanding China from its Proposals for Reforming the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding 劉德海 conference
2005-11 北韓核武、六邊會談與中國之角色 劉德海 conference
2004-11 Australia-Indonesian Relations under the Howard 劉德海 conference
2003-12 日本看北韓核武危機對東北亞區域安全之影響 劉德海 conference
2008-04 China’s Geo-Strategic Maneuver in the Acquisition of Oil Resources in Non-Western World Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(1648)
2007-12 中共對非西方世界的石油能源政策作為 鄧中堅 conference
2007-07 Conflict Resolution in East Asia:The China-Taiwan-North Korea Conundrum Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(1108)
2007-05 中國對拉丁美洲石油能源戰略與外交 鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(902)
2006-04 China’s Rising and Its Effects on the Western Hemisphere Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference
2006-03 Peace Keeping and Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of Bosnia 鄧中堅、戴慶正 conference
2005-12 Decision-making of US FTA Policy Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference
2005-06 中共的崛起在拉丁美洲的影響 鄧中堅 conference