Browsing by 作者 華人宗教研究

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顯示結果 5 to 24 of 67 < 前一個   後一個 >
7-十二月-2021Pre-Song Daoist Exorcism (道教法術) and its Relationship with Heavenly Masters Daoism常志靜; Reiter, Florian C.
24-十一月-2020Ritual Change in a Taoist Tradition: The Development of the Jiao in Northern Taiwan孟逸夫; Menheere, Yves
4-七月-2023The Construction of a Buddhist-Confucian Discourse Community: A Discourse Analysis of the Family Ethics Propagated by Hwadzan Pure Land AssociationKukowka, Stefan; 顧頡鋒
4-七月-2023The Peach Spring Grotto in Yao Daoism: The Ritual of "Repaying a Debt to the Supreme Parents of Flowers" in Mien Society of Guangxi, China陳玫妏; Chen, Meiwen
4-七月-2023Virtuous Women on the Move: Minnan Vegetarian Women (Caigu) and Chinese Buddhism in Twentieth-Century SingaporeShow, Ying Ruo; 蘇芸若
24-十一月-2020三壇五部:閩中瑜珈法教主神神譜的形成及相關問題謝聰輝; Hsieh, Tsung-hui
7-十二月-2021中國宗教象徵符號中的女性性別:觀音、媽祖和「永恆之母」Sangren, P. Steven; 丁仁傑
4-七月-2023以文字或以身體傳教?女神研究芻議:以媽祖信仰為例張珣; Chang, Hsun
4-七月-2023「保生大帝」的封號之謎李豐楙; Lee, Fong-mao
4-七月-2023「信道不信佛」:浙南文成畬族道教科儀文獻初探林振源; Lin, Chen-yuan
29-十一月-2019做道和做覡:閩西上杭一帶的道教傳統巫能昌; Wu, Neng-chang
4-七月-2023傳統與調適:臺南靈寶道壇的歷史與田野芻探洪瑩發; Hong, Yingfa
7-十二月-2021六朝道教文獻的道士稱號廣瀨直記; Naoki, Hirose
29-十一月-2019唐宋玄靈法「璇璣玄一停輪」、「太玄三一」之道試探-《北斗經》之版本、源流、經旨及宗派歸屬問題新思考蕭進銘; Hsiao, Chin-ming
24-十一月-2020在地化的女性宗教空間與性別實踐-新加坡、馬來西亞先天道齋堂的案例考察蘇芸若; Ruo, Show Ying
29-十一月-2019坤道應運:一貫道的女性觀沈曄瀅; Shen, Yeh-ying
29-十一月-2019大里杙福興宮二媽軟身神像研究-歷史、物性與主體性李建緯; Lee, Chian-wei
4-七月-2023女神拯救父權社會?!女性成神歷程中的性別對話與靈驗展現丁仁傑; Ting, Jen-chieh
29-十一月-2019宋元道教清微法與地方密教傳統謝世維; Hsieh, Shu-wei