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顯示結果 1 to 20 of 31  後一個 >
26-九月-2013Anomaly Detection to Increase Commuter Safety for Individuals with Cognitive ImpairmentsChang,Yao-Jen ;Wang, Frank Tsen-Yung;Chen,Shu-Fang ;Ma,Tien-Shyan
25-九月-2013Autonomous indoor wayfinding for individuals with cognitive impairmentsWang,Tsen-Yung;Chang,Yao-Jen ;Peng,Shu-Ming ;Chen,Shu-Fang ;Chen,Yan-Ru ;Chen,Hung-Chi
25-九月-2013Developing Ontology-based Housing Services in an NGOWang,Tsen-Yung;Chang,Yao-Jen
26-九月-2013The Development of the Stages of Recovery Scale for Persons with Persistent Mental IllnessSong,Li-yu ;Hsu,Su-Ting
25-九月-2013The Extent and Correlates of the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies:Survey on Social Workers in the Field of Partner ViolenceSong,Li-yu; 宋麗玉
26-九月-2013Factors, Process, and Outcomes of Recovery from Psychiatric Disability—The Unity Model. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 55(4), 348-360.Song,Li-yu ;Shih,Chaiw-yi
26-九月-2013A Location-based Prompting System to Transition Autonomously Through Vocational Tasks for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments Research in Developmental DisabilitiesChang,Yao-Jen ; Wang,Tsen-Yung;Chen,Yan-Ru
26-九月-2013Recovery from partner abuse – the application of the strengths perspectiveSong,Li-yu ;Shih,Chaiw-yi
25-九月-2013Service utilization, perceived changes of self, and life satisfaction among women who experienced intimate partner abuse: the mediation effect of empowermentSong,Li-yu
13-十一月-2008Sibling Relationships in Adulthood and Old Age: A Case Study of Taiwan呂寶靜; Lu,Pau-Ching
26-九月-2013Student Engineers as Agents of Change: Combining Social Inclusion in the Professional Development of Electrical and Computer Engineering StudentsWang,Tsen-Yung;Chang,Yao-Jen ;Chen,Shu-Fang ;Liao,Rhi-Hua
25-九月-2013受暴婦女之復元與負向感受:輪廓與相關因素之初探宋麗玉;施教裕; Song,Li-Yu ;Shih,Chaiw-Yi
25-九月-2013台灣不同族群老人長期照護需要差異之趨勢分析陳正芬;呂寶靜;王彥雯; Chen,Chen-Fen ;Lu,Pau-Ching ;Wang,Charlotte
25-九月-2013增強權能策略與方法:台灣本土經驗之探索宋麗玉; Song,Li-Yu
13-十一月-2008失能者身體功能之評量-失能者與其照顧者看法之比較呂寶靜; Lu,Pau-Ching
26-九月-2013家庭照顧者做為一種改革長期照顧的社會運動王增勇; WANG,Frank T. Y.
26-九月-2013影響台灣精神疾病患者未持續或中斷就醫之風險因素探討-以精神分裂症及情感性精神病為例宋麗玉;張作貞;吳秀蘭; Song,Li-Yu ;Chang,Tso-Chen ;Wu,Shiou-Lan