Browsing by Author Kang, Tingyu

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
26-Apr-2017Bricolage in the urban cultural sector: the case of Bradford City of Film康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
20-Jun-2018Distant husbands, masculine helpers: men, masculinity, and sexuality in the family strategy of flexible citizenship康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
3-Dec-2013Gendered Media, Changing Intimacy: Internet-mediated Transnational Communication in the Family Sphere康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
17-Jan-2014Homeland re-territorialized: revisiting the role of geographical places in the formation of diasporic identity in the digital age康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
9-Nov-2018New media, expectant motherhood, and transnational families: power and resistance in birth tourism from Taiwan to the United StatesKang, Tingyu; 康庭瑜
17-Jan-2014Online spatialisation and embodied experiences: the London-based Chinese professionals康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
1-Mar-2017傳播科技與跨國代間關係-以臺灣未婚女兒在荷蘭為例張柔; Chang, Jou
27-May-2021「只是性感,不是放蕩」: 社群媒體女性自拍文化的象徵性劃界實踐康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
2-Aug-2023在台亞裔美國人對於泛亞裔身分的認同感與歸屬感林穎佳; Lin, Rebecca
5-Oct-2020數位遊牧民族國際遷移動機研究:以清邁為例劉蓁淯; Liu, Chen-Yu
22-Dec-2020親密與逃避的雙重需求:跨國母職的傳播科技選用康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu
18-Nov-2020賦權及其極限?後女性主義、社群媒體與自拍康庭瑜; Kang, Tingyu