
Showing 1-5 of 5
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-11 COP26情形及美中氣候議題互動 張文揚、Chang, Wen-Yang other pdf(65)
2022-04 俄烏情勢對美中關係及印太戰略影響 盧業中 other 說明頁(155)
2022-05 俄烏戰爭發展對俄及印太區域之影響 連弘宜 other 說明頁(207)
2022-11 A Looming Crisis over the Taiwan Strait 盧業中、Lu, Yeh-Chung other
2022-10 The myth of Taiwan as a Pacific nation 楊文琪Yang, Wen-Chi、Walsh, Michael、Morrow, Adam other pdf(34)
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