1994 |
The Localization Strategy of The International Service Industry in Taiwan |
簡佩萍、Jane, Pei Pin |
thesis |
1994 |
加入關貿總協對我國金融服務業政策之影響 |
張泳雲、Chang, Yung Yun |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of the Service Firms` Entry Mode Choice |
陳偉康、Chen, Wel l Come |
thesis |
1994 |
A Study of The Influence on Stockholder`s Wealth of Publicly Published Corporations Doing Foreign Direct Investment |
邱足恩、Chiu, Tsu En |
thesis |
1994 |
Business strategy analysis of advertising agencies in Taiwan - The application of strategic matrix analysis |
龔瑩儀、Kung, Ying I |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of Political Risk |
陳素慧、Chen, S.H. |
thesis |
1994 |
The Relation of Coperation Type, Business Risk and Network Constructure in Business Indusry |
莫修齊、Mo, Shu Chi |
thesis |
1994 |
The Application of Point-of-sales System of Retailers |
陳永俊、Chen, Yung Chun |
thesis |
1994 |
Strategic Typology,Marketing Strategy and Performance implication of CATV Channel Business |
朱俊樺、Chu, Chin Hwa |
thesis |
1994 |
國內共同基金對股市影響之研究 |
thesis |
1994 |
An Empirical Study of the Implementation of TQM of Domestic Service Industry - Taking Department Stores for Example |
趙建彰、Jaw, Jiann Jang |
thesis |
1994 |
A Empirical Reserch on Promoting Total Quality Management in the Banking Industry in Taiwan |
葉志德、Yeh, Chih Te |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of Feasibility to Domestic Mutual Funds Using the Overseas Stock Index Future to Hedge |
胡家禎、Hu, Chia Chen |
thesis |
1994 |
Empirical Study on Taiwan Service Industry`s Total Quality Management: International Tourist Hotel Industry for Example |
王世豪、Wang, Shyh Haur |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of Types of Mutual Fund and Investitive Performance |
楊晉昌、Yang, Chin Chang |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of Integrated Marketing Communication Planning Model |
余逸玫、Yu, Yi Mei |
thesis |
1994 |
A study of Designing an Evaluation Mechanism for Management Information System |
陳盛林、Chen, Sheng Lin |
thesis |
1994 |
The Research of Research & development engineers` career development and personnel policy |
卓文記、Chou, Wen Chi |
thesis |
1994 |
企業多角化整體規劃程序之研究 |
張以文、Chang, Yei Wen |
thesis |
1994 |
背景因素、生活型態、自我監控與有線電視觀賞行為之關係-以大台中地區為例 |
田文彬、Tein, Wun Bin |
thesis |
1994 |
The partner selection strategy in project cooperation |
楊富成、Yang, Fu Chen |
thesis |
1994 |
洪麗珠、Hung, Li Ju |
thesis |
1994 |
The Impact of Interaction Between R&D and Manufacturing on Technical Success -- From the Viewpoint of TQM |
林培文、Lin, Pei Wen |
thesis |
1994 |
The Relationship Marketing in Retail Banking of Commercial Banks |
張瑞玲、Chang, Juei Ling |
thesis |
1994 |
MRP系統應用於服務業之研究─以物流搬遷業及速食業為例 |
蕭鈞洲、Shiau, Jiun Joe |
thesis |