
Showing 626-650 of 690

Master of Laws Program for Executives



Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023 Patent Protection for Regenerative Medicine – A Comparative Study on Patent Eligibility of Cell Therapy 郭奕靚、Kuo, Yi-Jing thesis pdf(124)
2023 Criminal Liability and Prevention Mechanisms for Online Shopping Fraud 林振德、Lin, Chen-Te thesis pdf(20)
2023 Investigation Using the M-Car and Corresponding Criminal Procedure 邱俊彰、Chiu, Chun-Chang thesis pdf(174)
2023 信託財產債權人權利之保障與受益權強制執行之研究 廖曉君、Liao, Hsiao-Chun thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Constitutional and Legal Research on the Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest 張家綺、Chang, Chia-Chi thesis pdf(109)
2023 A Study on the Competition of Communications Technology and Standard Essential Patents- An Example of the Case of Qualcomm 張舒涵、Chang, Shu-Han thesis pdf(112)
2023 Employee Incentive Programs: The Case of Restricted Stock Awards by Public Companies 潘俊名、Pan, Chun-Ming thesis pdf(0)
2023 Regulation of Lawyer Practice under the Attorney Act - Review Taiwan`s `Single Membership, Nationwide Practice` System Reform. 蔡鴻燊、Tsai, Hung-Shen thesis pdf(94)
2023 On the Legal Regulations of Stalking 戴肇元 thesis pdf(0)
2023 An Empirical Study on the Civil Liability of Independent Directors -Focusing on the Decisions of the Courts in Taiwan and Mainland China 陳明芬、Chen, Ming-Feng thesis pdf(109)
2023 A Tentative Analysis of the Interaction between Innovation and Regulation- Focusing on Autonomous Vehicles 陳正榮、YANG-YUAN CHEN thesis pdf(7)
2023 An Empirical Study of Civil Court of the Infringement of Personal Dignity and Chastity Rights 謝淑惠、Hsieh, Shu-Huei thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Study on Medical Liability Insurance 陳泓龍、Chen, Hung-Lung thesis web page(96)
2023 Research on Dispute Issues of Guarantee Entity Legal Relationship and Procedural Law 范建雄、Fan, Chien-Hsiung thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Study on Legal Practice of Land Development for Mass Rapid Transit System — Focusing on Private Participation 林秀謙、Lin, Hsiu-Chien thesis pdf(0)
2023 On Russia-Ukraine Armed Conflict from Perspectives of Norms of International Law 江昱嫺、Chiang, Yu-Hsien thesis pdf(3)
2023 A Comparative Study Of Similarity Judgment For Design Patent In Taiwan, Japan And American - Focus On The Portion Design 魏鴻麟、Way, Hong-Lin thesis pdf(81)
2023 A Study on Occupational Accidents, Employer Liability, and Related Insurance 林士傑、Lin, Shih-Chieh thesis pdf(140)
2023 Reflecting on the Regulatory System for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Regtech in Technological Applications: A Focus on Norms and Practices of Anti-Money Laundering in Financial Institutions 黃邦平、Huang, Pang-Ping thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Studying of The Amendment Arbitration Law of R.O.C.—Comparing with UNCITRAL Model Law 宋浩淵、Song, Hao-Yuan thesis pdf(109)
2023 The Concealed Obligation in Insurance Contract terms 藍家保、Lan, Chia-Pao thesis pdf(119)
2023 A Study on the System of Biometric Data Collection and Use 韋祿恩、Wei, Lu-En thesis web page(111)
2023 From the Solatium Judgment and Thinking about the Possibility of Using Pet Insurance to Diversify the Risks of Owners 黃幼馨、Huang, Yu-Hsin thesis pdf(115)
2023 A study on the legal liability of directors for misrepresentation in financial report and the construction of preventive mechanism -focusing on civil liability 曾淑玲、Tseng, Shu-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2023 分割共有物訴訟之研究-以其訴訟類型與判決效力為中心 吳韋霆、Wu, Wei-Ting thesis pdf(14)