
Showing 401-425 of 551
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022 The Analysis of Intellectual Property Disclosure and Corporate Governance Performance in Taiwan 游姍樺、Yu, Shan-Hua thesis pdf(20)
2022 The Intellectual Property Management of Cultural and Creative Industries: a Case Study of IP Creation and Transaction of Novels and Scripts 葉芷羽、Yeh, Chih-Yu thesis pdf(134)
2022 Resource Effectuation: Converting resources for responding constraints in social enterprises 賴會欣、Lai, Hui-Hsin thesis pdf(128)
2022 The Conflict and Adjustment between New Technology and Personal Data Protection: A focus on Blockchain Technology 楊岱瑾、Yang, Tai-Chin thesis pdf(14)
2022 Regulating Personal Data Use in the Era of Connected Vehicles 鄢代航、Yen, Tai-Hang thesis pdf(94)
2022 Convergence and Separation of Regulatory Classification of OVD and CATV: Lessons Learned from U.S. Experiences 張家齊、Chang, Chia-Chi thesis pdf(6)
2022 Strategies of Profiting from Innovation: The Case Studies of Taiwan Regenerative Medicine Companies 黃柏穎、Huang, Po-Ying thesis pdf(95)
2022 Personal Data Protection Under Alternative Credit Scoring: A Focus on the Applications of Lending Market 王詩函、Wang, Shih-Han thesis pdf(135)
2022 An exploratory study for investigating the process and influencing factors of introducing cloud computing 程羿樺、Cheng, Yi-Hua thesis pdf(0)
2022 The Innovation Process of Organizations Introduce Design Thinking to Service- Dominant Logic: The Balance Between Organizational Inertia and Autonomous Adjustment 胡存雅、HU, Tsun-Ya thesis pdf(0)
2022 Dynamic Competition Analysis in M&A – A Case Study of Nvidia & ARM Merger 鄭家修、Cheng, Chia-Hsiu thesis pdf(100)
2022 Investigating the O2O Transformation of Industrial Firms from the Perspective of Knowledge Management: the Case of Consumer Electronics Industry 詹孟蓉、Chan, Meng-Jung thesis pdf(0)
2022 Dynamic competition of Intel and AMD— An Integrative Analysis of Case Studies and Lotka-Volterra models 高偉哲、Kao, Wei-Che thesis pdf(0)
2022 A case study on the micro-enterprises 陳馥鈺、Chen, Fu-Yu thesis pdf(11)
2022 Study on the Significance of Temporary TRIPS Waiver during Global Pandemic 張曦予、Chang, Hsi-Yu thesis pdf(142)
2022 The Definition and Substantial Similarity of Musical Work: From U.S Practical Judgments 溫家緯、Wen, Jia-Wei thesis pdf(124)
2022 Exploring The Digital Transformation From The Perspective Of Dynamic Capabilities 沈柏延、SHEN, B0-Yen thesis pdf(78)
2022 A Case Study on Co-opetition between Knowledge Subscription Platform and Complementors 吳渝欣、Wu, Yu-Hsin thesis web page(100)
2022 The Territoriality Principle and Its Exception in Intellectual Property Law – From The Prospect of The Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) of The United States 黃孟鈺、Huang, Meng-Yu thesis pdf(78)
2022 A Study on Civil Liability for Copyright Infringement of Internet Service Providers: A Comparative Study of Europe, USA, and Taiwan 莊佩芬、Chuang, Pei-Fen thesis pdf(0)
2021 A Case Study on the Online-Merge-Offline Service Design 蕭宇軒、Hsiao, Yu-Hsuan thesis web page(98)
2022 Local Scenarios: Alipay’s Service Design and Micro-Behaviour Analysis 周弋渲、Zhou, Yixuan thesis pdf(0)
2022 Legal Study on Third-Party Payment System under the Fintech Trend on Electronic Commerce 陳叔媛、Chen, Shu-Yuan thesis pdf(0)
2022 Integration Management of Intellectual Capital and Tax Governance 葉姵吟、Yeh, Pei-Yin thesis pdf(120)
2022 Building Loyalty Loop: Experimenting Customer Experience with Local Scenarios 葉植詠、Yeh, Jhih-Yung thesis pdf(92)