
Showing 1-25 of 183
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 國家儀典與國民統合:日治時期台灣官方節日與儀式之研究 岩口敬子 thesis web page(997)
2007 塑造黨國之民--中華民國國定節日的歷史考察 JYUN-YU JHOU thesis pdf(2384)pdf(2320)pdf(1590)pdf(3574)pdf(3737)pdf(9119)pdf(6988)pdf(5146)pdf(5794)pdf(2010)pdf(2488)
2007 學校歷史與歷史記憶 - 戰後校史撰寫之析論 江佳瑾 thesis pdf(1257)pdf(1229)pdf(1257)pdf(1163)pdf(1284)pdf(1298)pdf(1395)pdf(1428)pdf(1353)pdf(1469)
2007 The Research on the Fu-Lang-Zhe prohibition system in Taiwan during Japanese Colonial Period 沈德汶、Shen,De Wen thesis pdf(1671)pdf(1784)pdf(3329)pdf(4673)pdf(1912)pdf(3804)pdf(2200)pdf(1390)pdf(1885)
2007 一貫道常州組來台灣發展歷程 鍾權煌 thesis pdf(2451)pdf(2287)pdf(3017)pdf(1948)pdf(16950)pdf(5561)pdf(4858)
2007 由國中小教科書看戒嚴時期台灣之國族建構—以國語文科和社會類科為分析中心 蔡佩娥 thesis pdf(1257)pdf(1090)pdf(1195)pdf(1286)pdf(10101)pdf(6390)pdf(3105)pdf(3586)pdf(2286)pdf(2270)
2007 日治時期台灣倉儲與米出口運輸體系之探討 吳子政 thesis pdf(1112)pdf(1091)pdf(1210)pdf(1221)pdf(2203)pdf(2988)pdf(2763)pdf(3848)pdf(1348)pdf(2249)
2008 台灣貨幣市場之研究-以1976至1990年為中心 曾麗珍 thesis pdf(1362)pdf(1388)pdf(1440)pdf(2029)pdf(2091)pdf(3045)pdf(2981)pdf(2126)pdf(1935)pdf(1723)pdf(1844)
2008 台灣財經技術官僚的人脈與派系(1949-1988年) 余慶俊、Yu, Ching Chun thesis pdf(1836)pdf(1913)pdf(1944)pdf(2328)pdf(4152)pdf(4749)pdf(4012)pdf(4449)pdf(3892)pdf(6383)pdf(4848)pdf(2175)pdf(2327)pdf(3225)
2008 Conscription Versus Volunteerism: Taiwan`s Commitment to WWII 鄭柏力、Cowsill, Patrick thesis pdf(1319)pdf(1244)pdf(1297)pdf(1605)pdf(1466)pdf(2283)pdf(1504)pdf(1789)pdf(1269)pdf(2396)
2008 國家政策與東臺灣聚落體系的演變(1875-1945) 邵偉達 thesis pdf(4474)
2009 Research of the construction and operation of the North-Link Line(1973~1990) 李金都 thesis web page(650)
2007 no English title 梁正杰 thesis web page(1080)
2009 The education funds in Taiwan under Japanese rule:focus on primary school expenses 李鎧揚、Li, Kai Yang thesis web page(655)
2009 The research of the negotiations between China and Japan upon the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui(1895-1904) 林於威、Lin, Yu Wei thesis pdf(3401)
2009 The research of Taiwan democratic self-government league 曾培強 thesis pdf(8174)
2009 THE KEY 71-days Period -The Taiwan society and Taiwanese Movement around the end of W.W.Ⅱ 阿部賢介、Abe Kensuke thesis pdf(4231)
2009 The international status of Taiwan and China government-in-exile 曾咨翔 thesis pdf(6879)
2010 土洋大戰:清代開港後臺灣的紡織品貿易 李勁樺 thesis pdf(5766)
2009 The study of \"Taiwan Shashin Cho\" during Japanese colonial period 徐佑驊、Hsu,You Hua thesis pdf(13252)
2010 The reclaiming outside the aborinal boundry during Qianlong 25 to 53 years (1760-1788) in the Qing Dynasty 楊勝傑 thesis pdf(5302)
2010 Between the tradition and modern-- cafe and waitress of Japanese-occupied Taiwan 廖怡錚 thesis pdf(17034)
2009 The study of educational excursion in Taiwan during the period of Japanese rule 林雅慧 thesis pdf(4169)
2009 The development of Taiwan private manufacturing, 1946-1955 許志成、Kou, Zi Sing thesis pdf(1043)
2009 The study of railway history in Postwar Taiwan:in the period of Mo-heng (1949-1961) 温文佑 thesis pdf(7784)