Publications-Books & Chapters in Books

Showing 176-200 of 271
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 台灣的威權體制與民主轉型 JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(1101)
2001 中山先生地方自治理念在兩岸的實施 YUANG-KUANG KAOYUANG-KUANG KAO book/chapter web page(930)
2008 Application of Referendums in Taiwan YUANG-KUANG KAOYUANG-KUANG KAO book/chapter web page(2262)
2009 Exercise of the powers of Examination and Control YUANG-KUANG KAOYUANG-KUANG KAO book/chapter web page(1500)
2010 Special Municipalities and Regional Governance YUANG-KUANG KAOYUANG-KUANG KAO book/chapter web page(1404)
2009-03 「三都十五縣」行政區域規劃優勢分析 YUANG-KUANG KAOYUANG-KUANG KAO book/chapter web page(863)
2004-10 民主化與和平:兩岸未來的展望 YEAU-TARN LEEYEAU-TARN LEE book/chapter web page(1127)
2009-12 台灣民主化過程中民主文化的培養 YEAU-TARN LEEYEAU-TARN LEE book/chapter web page(896)
2011-10 孫中山思想、生態主義與台海兩岸的發展 YEAU-TARN LEEYEAU-TARN LEE book/chapter web page(1068)
1988 Review article on Thomas Gold State and Society in the Taiwan Miracle. CHIEN-MIN CHAO、Chao, Chien-Min book/chapter web page(1455)
2002 Party Bifurcation Internal Coherence and National Identity: Chen Shui-bian’s Mainland China Policy CHIEN-MIN CHAO、Chao, Chien-Min book/chapter web page(1479)
2001 Introduction: Remaking the Chinese State CHIEN-MIN CHAO、Chao, Chien-Min book/chapter web page(1610)
2010-04 Fair Trade? Institutionalization, Specialization, and Autonomy in Reforming China’s Legislature CHIEN-MIN CHAO、Chao, Chien-Min book/chapter pdf(1157)
2008-11 The Worldviews of Chinese Leadership and Sino-U.S. Relations CHIEN-MIN CHAO、Chao, Chien-Min book/chapter web page(1499)
2014.08 台灣未來關鍵下一步-透視2016選前兩岸關係發展與政策 CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(1271)
2014.07 Introduction: Crossing Borders in Greater China: A Multidimensional Perspective JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(1441)
2014.07 Managing cross-border innovation networks: Taiwan’s IC design industry JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(1450)
2014.05 兩岸公民社會發展與比較 JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(1246)
2014.06 反思臺灣建構公民社會過程中的理盲與濫情現象 LI-CHUNG PENG book/chapter web page(982)
2015-03 民進黨八年執政兩岸關係的回顧與展望 吳釗燮、CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter pdf(2817)
2014-10 發展世界旅遊休閒中心的多語言服務 LI-CHUNG PENGLI-CHUNG PENG book/chapter pdf(1146)
2015-03 兩岸關係進展的現狀與課題 CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter pdf(1092)
2006 Made by Taiwan but made in mainland China: the case of the IT Industry CHEN-YUAN TUNGCHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(1265)
2014 Border Crossing in Greater China: Production, Community and Identity JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(1129)
2015-04 面對:民進黨菁英的兩岸未來 CHEN-YUAN TUNG、李曉莊、CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(792)