
Showing 76-100 of 292
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 紐西蘭一九九三年公民複決法 劉義周Liu, I-chou book/chapter 說明頁(860)
2000 質變數之計量分析 黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(983)
2001 Toward a Multilevel Analysis of Registration-Voting Decision. Shields Todd G.、黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1449)
2001 一致與分裂投票:嘉義市一九九七年市長與立委選舉之分析 黃紀、張益超、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1349)
2008 選舉制度的脈絡與效應 黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(877)
1999 全球化與亞洲開發中國家 黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1039)
1998 中美軍備支出對於資源分配影響之比較研究 黃紀、吳秀光、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1019)
1995 Referendum and Democracy: A Bumpy Runway for Taiwan’s Aircraft Industry. 黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1410)
1995 An Expected Utility Model of Inter-Korean Relations. 黃紀、Kim Samuel S.G.、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1496)
1995 Rivalry between the ROC and the PRC: An Expected-Utility Theoretical Perspective 黃紀、Kim Woosang、Wu Samuel、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1318)
1995 The ROC-PRC Rivalry and International Relations Studies Wu Samuel S.G.、黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1443)
1995 Inherited Rivalry: A Chronology 黃紀、Wu Samuel S.G.、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1423)
1992 Leadership Change and Government Size in East Asian Authoritarian Regimes. 黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1507)
1992 Military Burden and Economic Hegemonic Decline: The Case of the United States. 黃紀、Hoole Francis W.、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1272)
1992 Defense Spending and Economic Performance: A Disaggregated Analysis. Mintz Alex、黃紀、Heo Chi、Heo Uk、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1560)
2013.05 2012年總統與立法委員選舉:選舉過程的回顧 劉義周陳陸輝黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(2087)
2013.05 2012年總統與立委併選的一致與分裂投票 黃紀、周應龍、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(2119)
2001 政治分析的層次 徐永明、黃紀Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(996)
1995 Inherited Rivalry: Conflict Across the Taiwan Straits Tun-jen Cheng、黃紀、Samuel S.G. Wu、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1522)
2008 如何評估選制變遷:方法論的探討 黃紀、游清鑫 主編、Huang, Chi book/chapter 說明頁(1155)
2014 國族神學的民主化:臺灣與中國大陸 郭承天Cheng-Tian Kuo book/chapter 說明頁(1217)
1995 Global Competitiveness and Industrial Growth in Taiwan and the Philippines 郭承天Cheng-Tian Kuo book/chapter 說明頁(1431)
1996 國際建制與國際組織 郭承天Cheng-Tian Kuo book/chapter 說明頁(990)
2008.05 Religion and Democracy in Taiwan 郭承天Cheng-Tian Kuo book/chapter 說明頁(1222)
2007 政教分立理論與法治之新發展 郭承天Cheng-Tian Kuo book/chapter 說明頁(942)