
Showing 376-400 of 449
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-01 臺灣婦產科醫療資源之空間可接近性分析 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2012-06 Defining Primary Care Shortage Areas in Ohio, USA 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2012-05 臺灣小兒科醫療資源之空間可接近性分析 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2012-06 從數位落差到機會平等?縣市電子治理條件之檢視:空間的分析與比較 張鐙文、蕭乃沂廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2012-01 The Spatial Autocorrelation for Cooperation and Competition among Taichung’s District Libraries: A Pilot Study of Bookstart Program 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、史美強 conference
2011-05 Assessing Spatial and Nonspatial Factors for Primary Care Access in Ohio, USA 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2018-11 公民合產相關因素研究:高雄市1999資料之空間異質性分析 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2018-06 公務人力流動資料之空間分析初探 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、蘇偉業 conference
2019-05 臺灣各鄉鎮數位發展分類研究:集群分析與潛在全象分析的啟發 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、黃婉玲、李洛維、朱斌妤黃東益 conference
2019-05 台灣各縣市貪腐資料時空再掃描-以地方法院判決資料為例 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、徐明莉吳重禮 conference
2019-05 從防災社區計畫探究我國地方災防知識中介機制:災防公務人員於地方災防知識網絡中的角色 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung、張鎧如、李天申 conference
2019-06 中國一帶一路與貪腐傳染的可能性:空間群聚的視角 廖興中、Liao , Hsin-Chung conference
2018-10 A User Approach to Open Government Data Impact Assessment 朱斌妤Chu, Pin-Yu、Lee., L.W. conference pdf(272)
2019-04 An Evaluation of Motivations and Perceived Impacts of Open Government Data 朱斌妤Chu, Pin-Yu、Lee, Feng-Wu conference 說明頁(405)
2019-03 The roles of public educators for developing disaster-resilient communities: A knowledge brokering perspective. 張鎧如、Chang, Kaiju conference
2019-05 臺灣各村里災害脆弱性評估--整合資源可近性與脆弱性的觀點 廖興中*、Liao , Hsin-Chung、張鎧如、Chang, Kaiju、李天申 conference
2019-06 Assessing Demand and Progress in China`s Belt and Road Initiative: A Global Governance Perspective 顏良恭、Yen*, Liang-Kung conference
2019-04 Project Management in Participatory Budgeting: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Taipei City 傅凱若、Fu, Kai-Jo*、Hsieh, Chi-Wei conference
2019-05 民主創新與公共價值創造的實踐--以臺灣都會區參與式預算為例 傅凱若、Fu, Kai-Jo* conference
2019-05 從市政型參與式預算探討行政官僚對公民參與的態度 傅凱若、Fu, Kai-Jo*、廖宇雯* conference
2019-05 臺灣核電廠除役利害關係人溝通策略之研究 傅凱若、Fu, Kai-Jo*、董祥開、黃東益 conference
2013-05 從局外人到局內人:政務官組織學習與領導策略之探索 黃東益、Huang, Tong-yi*、謝忠安 conference
2013-05 盤點縣市合併升格之研究議題-高雄市、台南市及台中市的個案研究 黃東益、Huang, Tong-yi*、謝忠安 conference
2019-04 The Evidence-Based Analysis of Contemporary Collaborative Network in Chinese Environmental Governance: the Case of Forest Certification Policy. 顏良恭Yen, Liang-Kung、Hsieh, Chu-Chien* conference
2019-06 Policy learning without counterparts: Cases of administrative reforms in China and Taiwan 蘇偉業、So, Bennis Wai-Yip* conference