
Showing 401-425 of 495
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-05 南海主權爭議與我國外交處境-兼論台灣國際空間問題 唐玉禮 conference
2017-10 孫中山形象之型塑與轉變--1949年至1995年 白中琫 conference
2014-08 孫中山形象的變遷--中國國民黨及臺灣左翼團體的集體記憶 白中琫 conference
2012-12 民族主義運動研究:方法論上的省思 唐玉禮 conference
2015-10 孫中山民族主義與中東難民潮 唐玉禮 conference
2014-12 再論當代民族問題 唐玉禮 conference
2019-07 How does China’s Sharp Power Influence Taiwan’s Media? From Financial Co-optation to Disinformation Operations. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2008-06 轉型正義在戰後全球政經變遷中的歷史結構定位 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2017-06 中國因素在台灣傳媒 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2017-04 Between State and Market: Institutional Origins of Media Self-censorship in Taiwan (1949-2016). 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2018-12 中國「銳實力」對台灣民眾政經認知的影響 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2018-11 中共對台分化策略對台灣民意的影響:一個「銳實力」的觀點 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2018-07 China’s Influence in Taiwan’s Media: Impact and Response. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2016-09 從「美國因素」到「中國因素」:政商菁英在台灣新聞自由發展中的角色變遷,1949-2015 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2015-11 The State’s Economic Role, the Media’s Self-censorship, and the Development of Taiwan’s Press Freedom: A Historical Institutional Analysis (1949-2014). 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2015-02 Swinging between American and Chinese Hegemony: Economic Dependence, Norm Diffusion, and Taiwan’s Press Freedom. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2014-04 How do People Understand the Responsibility of Foreign Government for State Violence in Historical Memory? A Comparison between South Korea and Taiwan. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2014-04 Elites Politics or Mass Politics? The Role of Environmental Ideologies in Shaping Taiwan’s Petrochemical Plant Construction Policies. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2013-12 中國崛起與東亞國家的區域經濟整合策略:南韓與台灣之比較 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2013-06 Swinging between American and Chinese Hegemony: Great Power-led International Economic Order and Taiwan’s Press Freedom. 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference
2017-01 中山先生合作教育之理念實踐 彭立忠Peng, Li-chung conference
2019-07 Sharing Economy and Public Entrepreneurship----in a Case Study of Didi 鄒仲蘇、吳思華 conference
2018-01 大湄公河次區域司法警務合作的政府間主義探析 鄒仲蘇 conference
2018-05 最後的“例外狀態”:《終戰詔書》、神道與《明治憲法》 鄒仲蘇 conference
2018-01 Turning Curses into Blessings: How the Catholic Lay Movement Survive in Contemporary China 姚祺、Yao, Qi conference pdf(242)